•Snow day•

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Request by harrypotterfansnake

Thank you for requesting I really enjoyed writing this one. I didn't write it like the episode with Charlie do I hope you like what I wrote.

You yawned slightly as you woke up from your nap and lightly shifted the blanket off. Nick must have tucked me in you thought.

"Morning sleeping beauty or should I say afternoon" nick pipes up from the floor.

"What time is it ??" You groaned flopping back down on Nick's bed.

"It's half past 1" he says looking at his phone.

"Can't we go do something you have been studying for hours" you whined.

"Go back to sleep I like it better when you were quiet" he says not looking up from his work.

You mock an offended look before laying back down bringing the blanket back across you body and snuggling into it as you sighed tiredly. Nick looked up to see what you were doing and smiled at you cuddled up in his blankets.

"NICK" you shouted suddenly making the poor boy jump up terrified.

"What's wrong love??" He asked worriedly.

"It's snowing" you say excitedly. Without warning you jumped up grabbed his hand and dragged him downstairs. You hurried to put your shoes on wanting to get outside quickly. Just as you were about to walk out the door Nick stops you by grabbing your hand. You give him a confused look and he answers you by holding one of his coats up.

"I don't want you to get sick" he says softly.
You roll your eyes as you put your arms through the coat. As soon as it's on your arms you give Nick a quick kiss thank you and try to escape again.

" Y/n your useless" he says stopping you again and laughing as he zips your coat up for you. As soon as it's done you grab his hand and drag him outside. You look up sticking your tongue out too catch the snowflakes. Nick stares at you lovingly as you do so.

"What??" You question not very politely.

"Nothing your just adorable" he says laughing.

"No I'm not" you say and throw a snowball hitting him square in the face. He looks at you unamused before running after you. You run away from him not particularly wanting to get a face full of snow. You squeal when a pair of arms wraps around your waist and lifts you off the ground slightly.

"Nick let me go" you say whilst laughing.

"Nope" he says whilst his arms still have a strong grip around your waist.

You swivel your head to the side and kiss him lightly, you smirk knowing he would loosen his grip. After about 5 seconds, he loosens his grip and you take the opportunity to break the kiss and run.

"Hey that's cheating" he says behind you pouting.

"Let's build a snowman" you say ignoring his last comment.
You both rolled the bottom together and he rolled the middle and you the top.
He assembled the snow man as you went inside and asked his mother for a carrot and a scarf, a hat and some gloves.
You ran back outside and assembled the rest of your snow man together. You stayed outside for hours enjoying the snow and by the end you were cold, wet and tired.

Whilst Nick was admiring his snowman you took the opportunity to go jump on his back. He stumbled slightly not expecting the impact but didn't let you fall as his hands wrapped around your thighs. The feeling gave you butterflies but you quickly forgot about them because fatigue hit you like a ton of bricks as you yawned and placed your head on his shoulder.

"Tired love??" You just nodded in response. He walked back inside his house with you still perched on his back. His mum greeted you as you walked in.

"Did you both have a nice time outside??" She asked, but quickly spotted you shivering on Nick's back.

"Sweetheart you look freezing" she said looking at you worriedly.

"Nick you get her a change of clothes whilst I make you both a hot chocolate" she says walking into the kitchen.

With that you spent the rest of the night cuddled up on the sofa drinking hot chocolate and watching movies.

Hey guys please leave s vote if you enjoyed this chapter.


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