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Hey this one was requested literally months ago so sorry I'm only just writing it I've finally got my motivation back for writing.  

This was requested by @broadway0baby thank you so much for your request!

You shot up suddenly from your sleeping position next to Nick, you felt the dampness on your cheeks from the tears that were streaming down your face. Now you often had bad nightmares but this one felt way too real, almost as if it was actually happening. You breathed a huge sigh of relief after realizing it was just a nightmare and went back into your previous sleeping position with Nick's arms around you;he was fast asleep, knocked out like a baby. You eventually drifted back to sleep which wasn't easy due to the nightmare still lingering in your thoughts. 

You were woken up not long later to your body being shaken. 

"yn wake up what's wrong" asked Nick - he must have been shaking you to wake you up from your nightmare. It was the same nightmare except this time it was even worse and had caused you to toss and turn in your sleep therefore waking up Nick who had been previously fast asleep right next to you. 

"yn baby what's wrong?" he asked gently but you turned our tearful face away not wanting to bother him anymore when he had been so peacefully sleeping.

"nothing I'm fine just go back to sleep" you said quietly hoping he would just listen and go back to sleep; he didn't listen because when does this boy ever listen. 

"no you don't cry over nothing what's up"he asked again whilst also pulling you to turn towards him. You looked at him through tearful eyes and explained how you had a horrible nightmare and what happened.  He pulled you onto his lap and whispered sweet words until your crying had calmed down. You sat there for a good 10 minutes just thinking about your nightmare and he sat there with you comforting you but not pushing you to talk to him about it. 

"Nothing can hurt you while I'm around I promise" he whispers to you quietly and then gently kisses your forehead as he cradles you in his arms. 

"Do you think you can get back to sleep love?" he asks gently. 

"No I'm too scared It's okay though you can go back to sleep" you say not wanting to keep him up just because your scared of a stupid nightmare. 

"No we can just stay up together and watch something if you want its not like we actually need to get up early tomorrow" he jumps up, excited that you get to stay up and watch movies the rest of the night and find his TV remote. 

"Can we watch The Goonies?" you ask as it's one of your favorite films (sorry if you don't like this film or have never seen it just replace it with a different one). You cuddle up to him as he puts the movie on and you drift off to sleep just as the end credits for the movie start playing. You feel Nick kiss your forehead and say he loves you before you're finally fast asleep. 

Hey guys thank you for reading sorry this one is so short but I still hope you like it please vote and comment any suggestions or feedback you guys have. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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