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This chapter includes self-harming
Request for urlocalranboostan77

You were sat In your bathroom cleaning your wrists. You had cut them again as you were being severely bullied. However the worst part was you had already been clean for a month but you had just ruined it.

You had finished cleaning your wounds and walked out if the bathroom when your phone started ringing. You answered and said hi. It was just Imogen asking if you wanted to hang out with Nick and some of your other friends. If course you said yes exited to get out of the house, but you didn't know Ben would be there.

You threw on a hoodie of Nick's to cover your cuts and walked out of the door. You walked behind the rest of the group with Imogen as you didn't really like Ben as he was the one who bullied you.

"Hey freak" Ben shouted "why don't you stop being a loner and actually speak to someone" he says laughing, you just look down trying not to acknowledge his harsh words.

"Hey leave her alone alright"Nick says slowing down to walk beside you. Ben mutters a quick whatever before ignoring you again.

"Just ignore him" Nick said smiling at you and grabbing your wrist gently. You willed your body not to react but of course you winced and pulled away. Nick gave you a shocked look but his face immediately softened as he knew what had happened.

"Hey Imogen we are leaving if that's okay" He tells her quietly, she just nodded seeming to know what's wrong. Nick quickly intertwined his fingers with yours and dragged you to his house.

Once you were in his room you sat on his bed and let out a sob.

"I'm sorry Nick" you say through your tears. He sees you crying and rushes over to you crouching down in front of you.

"Hey no don't cry", he says putting his hands on your face using his fingers to wipe the tears away.

"It's okay I'll help you my love" he says smiling at you.

He takes you to the bathroom where he sits you on the toilet seat while he goes to find some things to clean your cuts with as they are bleeding again. He gently cleans then kissing your cheek every time you wince.

Later, your both sat on his bed with you cuddled I to his side.

"Next time you feel like hurting yourself please come to me I instead because I love you so much and it hurts me to see you in pain" he says gently.

"I will a Nick I love you too", you say quietly and you drift of to sleep finally feeling safe in his arms.

I'm so sorry it took so long and I hope you like it. I can rewrite it if you want but I'm not feeling the best at the minute however I hope you enjoyed it.


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