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I can't believe this book has so many views. I'm only 14 and wasn't expecting anyone to actually read my book as my writing is terrible. However I appreciate the people that left nice comments and requested their ideas for me too write.

Summary: basically you are bisexual (sorry if you are not) and want to tell nick but get really upset only to find out he is also bisexual.

It was a Saturday morning and you were sat looking out of your window fiddling with your thumbs. You were super bored and didn't know what to do as you had already spent most of your day sleeping. You were debating wether to go for a walk when your phone pinged. You walk over checking your messages it was Nick asking if he could come over. Quickly, you replied telling him of course he could come over.

You had decided you would tell Nick about your new found sexuality as you had been worried for a while that he wouldn't accept it. You had known for about a month that you are bisexual but hadn't told no one. The fear of Nick being disgusted by you took over and you didn't even realize you were crying.

"Hey y/n/n" he says walking in your room but you have zoned out not listening.

"Your mum let me in" he says making sure you know he didn't just walk into your home, though you wouldn't have minded.

"What's wrong love??" He ask rushing over and cupping your face as he noticed your tears.

"I'm bisexual"you say getting it over and done with

"I was scared to tell you because I didn't want you to hate me but I couldn't keep it a secret any longer" you say in between sobs.

You look down as he states at you in shock you think for sure this is the end of your relationship, yet he lifts your chin gently and kisses you. When he pulls away you give him a confused look.

"You don't care??" You ask almost afraid of his answer.

"Nope because I'm bisexual too" he says smiling.

"I was also scared to tell you but you told me and it gave me the confidence I needed".

You grabbed his hand and decided you would go for your idea from earlier and go for a walk as it was a beautiful day. You walked hand in hand around the park both with big beaming smiles.

Hai guys thank you for reading this chapter. I'm sorry it's shorter than the other chapter I'm really running out of ideas so it isn't as good as my other chapters I hope you enjoyed if you did please leave a vote.


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