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Song: One More Night

Artist: Maroon 5


Alejandro headed into the parking lot after the school day was over. His last class ended at 7:30 pm on Mondays. He walked to his car behind the Science building. The sky was a display of white clouds and golden hues as the sun started to set. Alejandro got in his black mustang. The inside was dressed in dark leather, and the windows were as tinted as the best pair of sunglasses. He turned on the ignition key and started the AC.

Just as he was about to relax, his phone buzzed. He deeply exhaled and picked up: "Hola."

"Hola, Alejandro. Are you still coming to dinner? It's nearly 8:00!" Alejandro's father spoke on the other end.

"Oh, sí, yes!" He rubbed his forehead. "Yes, I am coming."

"¡Bueno, apúrate!" (Well, hurry up!) "Dinner is nearly ready, and the table is already set!"

"I told you, I'm on my way." Alejandro started driving. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"¡Rápido!" He told him sharply.

"Papá, I'm coming. Adíos." Alejandro calmly hung up. He took a deep breath and released all of his tension. "You are not going to let José get to you tonight," he told himself.

Alejandro rang the doorbell when he arrived at his parents' home. It was a big mansion with a spacious front yard. Red roses and pink carnations were planted in the courtyard near the door. When Alejandro was little, he'd stare at the ladybugs crawling all over the petals.

His mother, Mariana, opened the door. She smiled, causing her rosy cheeks to puff out. "!Hola, mi niño!" She chirped. She held out her arms to embrace her son. Alejandro gave her a small grin and hugged her. "I have not seen you since we went to the Bahamas with your Uncle Julio!"

"I know, and I've been busy," replied Alejandro.

"We cannot wait to hear about your first day of teaching!" Mariana said excitedly.

Alejandro looked over his mother's shoulder. "Who all is here?"

"Your father, Carlos, and José and Cassandra!"

Ugh. "That is wonderful!" He gave her a big, superficial grin. "I can't wait to see mi familia!" Alejandro followed Mariana inside. The smell of tamales lingered in the air. "Mmm, I haven't had a tamale in forever!" He said.

"I need to come over more often and cook you some, then," she replied with a knowing smile.

Alejandro cringed. "—Mamá, I am fine with coming over here. I don't think it's the best idea for you to come over to my place."

"Why not?" Mariana pushed in one of the dining room chairs. Alejandro assumed that José must've left it out.

"Porque you always come without notice. And I do not know if I'll be home when you do," Alejandro answered, holding onto the back of a chair.

"This next time I'll plan it," Mariana tittered.

"That's what you said last time."

"I know, but this time I will call you the day before!"

Alejandro sighed. The last time Mariana came over, he had a naked woman in his bed. Long story short, he had to fib to his mother about why he couldn't go out to see a movie with her. He didn't introduce the woman to his mom because she was one of many short-lived flings. Alejandro often blew girls off after a couple of hookups because he lost interest in them, although he never intended to keep them around in the first place.

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