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Song: Labyrinth

Artist: Taylor Swift


Heather found herself at the bar that Friday night. It wasn't the same bar where she was assaulted, and she had told herself not to accept payment offers from any men. She wasn't planning on getting anywhere near wasted. She just wanted to ease the intensity of this deep ache in her chest. It was beautiful but agonizing at the same time- not the same pain she felt when Bailey died. It was an addictive and exciting pain. Ever since she and Alejandro kissed in the elevator earlier, she couldn't stop thinking about a relationship with him. She wanted to feel his lips on hers all the time. She wanted him to wrap his strong arms around her regularly. All these fluffy feelings embraced the lustful ones, meshing them together.

"Hi, what will it be tonight?" A lady in her thirties with bleach blonde hair asked Heather at the bar top.

"Just a blood orange margarita," Heather told her, handing her a debit card.

"That'll just be $3.00," the blonde smiled, swiping Heather's card. "Alright, one margarita coming right up!"

Heather picked up her card from the table and put it back in her wallet. She peered over her shoulder, ensuring no guy was headed her way. She smiled and quietly hummed to herself while she waited for her drink. Her own happiness scared her. Her mind was so clouded with affection that she didn't even need a drink to feel lightheaded. This was the one time she was using alcohol to reverse the high. It will definitely make me more carefree.

"Here you are, ma'am," the bartender handed Heather a tall glass of margarita.

"Thank you," Heather nodded, wrapping her hand around the top. She took one sip and closed her eyes to savor the bitter, fruity taste. When she finished her drink, she got up to use the restroom in the back. She awkwardly wended through the noisy crowd, glaring at anyone who carelessly bumped into her.

When she got close to the restroom door, she heard someone flirtatiously giggling. She turned toward the noise and saw a tall blonde girl wearing a dark blue dress.

Then she saw him.

Alejandro. He had his hands on her lower back. He whispered things into her ear. Heather swore that she heard her heart shatter into a million pieces. The scene reaffirmed her fears. She knew this was, unfortunately, reality. Everything in Heather wanted to cry right then and there, but she walked out of the bar instead and called an Uber. She couldn't make a scene because it would make her look immature. Of course, she knew that she and Alejandro would never be anything but a verboten occurrence. She knew he didn't care about her until he could use her. He didn't care about any woman until they gave him the upper hand. She told herself it was for the best, but she couldn't let go.


When Monday came around, Alejandro felt nervous. Lately, this is what he felt like on the days he taught Psychology and Mental Health. His stomach would hurt all day, and at first, he told himself that he was hungry, but after two weeks, he had no choice but to accept the real reason.

When he thought of Heather, he felt like throwing up. He didn't know how to handle it, so he started making his bedroom activities with women more frequent. Falling for her was a double-edged sword. He had two very good reasons why he shouldn't feel this way, yet, his heart still rebelled. He braced himself when he heard Heather's distinctive voice in the hallway.

"Cody, I don't need to hear about your dream last night," Heather said, holding her phone against her ear. "—No. No, no. I know it's about Gwen."

Alejandro swallowed anxiously. He tried to keep his gaze off her, but his eyes went where they wanted to. She looks so gorgeous in everything she wears. He sighed yearningly. He imagined caressing her soft face and kissing her plump lips. His face went hot as he recalled how amazing her body felt pressed against his. She was so warm, and she felt like home.

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