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Song: Bad Liar

Artist: Selena Gomez


Heather sat at her seat in Alejandro's class, looking at her phone. It was Friday, and she was making weekend plans with Cody. I think we should go to the mall tomorrow, she texted. There's a really cute top that I've been wanting since last week.

No way, Cody texted back. Sierra is always at the mall on Saturdays.

Heather: R u serious? Gwen will probs be there too.

Cody: Haha, nice try, Heath. Gwen never goes to the one we go to because there's no Gothic Galore there.

Heather: Ughhhh Cody please go with me. I wanna look like I have friends.

Cody: Wow, is that all I am to you? Someone you use to escape the embarrassment of not having any friends?

Heather's jaw dropped. She began to text him back when Alejandro walked in. "Buenos tardes, class! I hope you all have completed your homework assignments from Wednesday. I will be collecting them after I get my desktop set up for the lecture. And Heather, I do not tolerate phone usage in the room."

Heather let out a big, dramatic sigh and zipped her phone up in her purse. "I wasn't aware that this was high school."

"It isn't high school, but it is my classroom, and I am taking time out of my day to lecture. So I would appreciate some respect," Alejandro said.

Heather lightly scoffed, crossing her arms. "It would be smart of you to follow the rules," Courtney whispered to her. "Wouldn't want to fail, now would we?"

"Would it kill you to be quiet for once in your life, Courtney?" Heather retorted.

"Heather, will you speak to me after class? Por favor?" Alejandro asked.

Heather gave him a vexed look. "Why? I'm not even doing anything now! I put down the stupid phone like you asked!"

"Yes, but you are also disrupting the class by rudely speaking to your classmates."

"Oh my God, she was doing it first!" Heather pointed to Courtney.

"I never said anything, Señor Alejandro. I promise. I have no idea what she's talking about," Courtney put on her best innocent voice.

"Whether she said anything or not, I would still like to talk to you," said Alejandro.

"Ok, fine, whatever," Heather muttered.

"Great. Now we can start the lesson!"

Heather didn't take notes just to spite Alejandro for the rest of the hour and a half. He literally just got into the room when he told me to not be on my phone. It's not like I was on it when he was actually lecturing! She thought bitterly. And now, I'm probably going to get another long lecture about respect. Ugh, gross.

When class ended, Heather waited at her desk while everyone else left. "Ok, what do you want?" Heather asked Alejandro. "Make it quick."

Alejandro chuckled, entertained by her insolence. He sat in his chair and rolled to the other side of her desk. "Oh, trust me, this will be quick." He folded his hands. "I just want to let you know that I truly do care about your education, and I want you to do well in this class. That is my wish for all my students."

Heather looked to her side, then turned back to him. "What's the point of talking to me if you want this for everyone?"

"That's what I was leading up to," he replied. "This is only the first week, and you are already distracting your classmates. Didn't you point out at the beginning of the class that you were no longer in high school?"

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