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Song: Into You

Artist: Ariana Grande


Heather was a blushing mess on Monday. She could hardly focus on her test, no matter how hard she tried. When she turned it in, she kept her gaze away from Alejandro. She felt she would die if he saw her bright red face.

Alejandro wasn't much different. He didn't dare look in Heather's direction while he lectured. He wanted to forget that she was in his class, that she was his student. Nothing scared him more than the new way he thought about her.

That's why, when Heather handed Alejandro her exam paper, he swallowed in fear that she would say something to him. Much to his relief, she didn't. Then again, that made him nervous too. Did she feel the same way as him today? Did she regret what they did? Alejandro wanted to know, but he didn't want to hear anything painful. His heart ached at the thought of her completely rejecting him. Fantástico, Alejandro. You've only known her for a little over a month and you're already attached. He found himself staring at her neat handwriting on the short answer questions. He hoped she got a 100%, and he even considered just giving her a 100, but he knew that would be legally wrong. She's so smart, he thought.

After Heather gave Alejandro her paper, she cursed herself. I probably failed the entire fucking thing, she thought. And all because of stupid Alejerkdro. She huffed as she sat back down at her desk. She hesitantly looked at Alejandro, and her heart ignited. She swallowed with anticipation, hoping he'd catch her eye, but to her disappointment, he continued typing on his laptop. Heather sighed, longing for just one glance.

"What's wrong with you?" Courtney asked.

Heather blinked and turned to face her. She took a moment to process what she had just said. "—None of your business!"

"You were pretty slow with that retaliation," Courtney noted. "You're obviously distracted. What's on your mind, hm?" A smirk hid behind her earnest demeanor.

Heather furrowed her eyebrows. "Why do you care so much, weirdo?"

"Because," Courtney scooted close to Heather, lowering her voice, "You're blushing. And don't even try to deny it by telling me it's hot. It's colder than Antarctica in here."

"What?!" Heather's eyes went wide.

Alejandro looked up from his laptop. "Ms. Kaneko, please use an inside voice."

Heather's lips parted slightly. Oh, so now he's only using my last name?! She glared at him, jutting her lips out into a pout. Alejandro, much to her frustration, didn't see because he immediately went back to work.

"Hey," Courtney tapped her shoulder.

Heather snapped her head back to her. "What? Just leave me alone!" She hiss-whispered.

"Heather, it's ok to blush. I just wanna know who you're thinking about," Courtney told her.

"I'm not thinking of anyone. And even if I was, it's not anything you need to be concerned about."

"At least tell me this; it's not Duncan, right?" She laughed nervously.

"No, ew!" Heather grimaced. "Why would I have a thing for Duncan?"

"Hey!" Courtney crossed her arms. "Duncan is amazing. Any girl would want him."

"Yeah, ok," Heather replied sardonically. "Don't worry. I don't like your stupid boyfriend."

Courtney sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. I thought I was going to have to chase you off like I had to do with Gwen."

Heather rested her elbow on her desk. "I honestly don't get why you stayed with a cheater."

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