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Song: Can't Help Myself

Artist: Laura Marano


"Oh my God, no way, can you believe it?!" Cody asked Heather while they ate lunch outside on campus.

"Probably. What is it?" Heather replied, taking a bite of her Caesar Salad.

He showed her his phone. "It says on this quiz I took that my crush likes me back!" He smiled proudly.

"Never mind, I don't believe it then."

"Hey! You told me you'd believe Gwen would like me back the moment I had evidence, and here's your evidence!" Cody pouted.

"Cody," Heather began, "An online quiz isn't sufficient evidence. By evidence, I meant that Gwen actually has to tell you that she likes you."

"I can make that happen."

"And you can't trick her into saying it."

Cody slouched in his chair. "It was worth a shot, wasn't it?"

"Not really." Heather pulled out her golden makeup bag from the outer zipper of her backpack. She propped up her small black mirror on the table to look at her face.

"Do you really need to touch up your makeup?" Cody snickered. "You already cake it on every day."

Heather jabbed him in the arm with her elbow. "Shut up! My lipstick is all smeared from eating."

Cody rolled his eyes. "Yeah, the first layer," he muttered.

"Do you not understand what shut up means?!" Heather replied sharply.

"Ok, ok, gosh," he smirked.

Heather rubbed her lips together multiple times. She meticulously wiped off any tiny smudges with her pinkie fingernail until she was sure that her lips looked like they belonged on the cover of Vogue. Then she looked at her forehead, spotting the smallest pimple. "Ugh," Heather grumbled, grabbing a sponge and concealer. She obsessively dabbed the sponge over the same area of skin.

"Heather, what are you doing?" Cody laughed.

"Can you not see that I have a stupid blemish?!"

"Um...no? Did you get enough sleep last night?"

"Yes!" Heather tossed her concealer back in her bag. "Just...ugh, I hate to ask this," she turned toward Cody. "But...do I look ok?"

Cody raised his eyebrows, amused. "Wow, Heather showing some insecurity? I don't think you've ever asked me that question before!"

"Shut up and just answer the damn question! Do I fucking look good?!"

"Geez, Heather, you look fine!" He held up his hands. "Are you going out tonight? Oooh, do you have a date?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"No, Cody. You're exhausting me right now," Heather sighed, but she couldn't stop the blush from forming on her cheeks.

Cody gasped. "You ARE going on a date! I knew it! I need all the details!"

"Cody!" Heather hissed quietly. "Sit the fuck down!"

"...I am sitting."

"It's an expression! And no, I'm not going on a date!" She zipped up her makeup bag. "I just want to look extra good today."

"If you're not going on a date, you definitely have the hots for someone."

"Who even says that anymore?"

"Face it, Heather," Cody tossed his napkin over his shoulder, attempting to make it into the trash bin behind them, but failing. Heather watched the napkin fall to the concrete with a flat, unimpressed expression. "You like someone. And if you refuse to tell me, I will make it my mission to find out who it is."

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