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Song: Treacherous

Artist: Taylor Swift

A/n- I personally think this song is the main theme for this story😌


Heather waited anxiously for the end of the class hour. She had purposely gotten a couple of questions wrong on the last latest Alejandro gave just so she could talk to him. She didn't want to use the "I didn't understand the lesson" excuse as she had been because then, he'd be suspicious or think she was an idiot, and that was the very last thing Heather wanted.

Alejandro had been talking to her for as long as an hour after class for the past two weeks. At first, their conversations started solely about the homework or class work, but as the days progressed, Heather found herself slowly opening up and telling him more things about herself, although they weren't necessarily "profound."

Alejandro also started talking about his family; that was something Heather wasn't ready to discuss with anyone, but she enjoyed hearing about his brothers. The only thing she told him about her family, besides Bailey's suicide and a small complaint about her parents, was that she understood the difficulties with siblings. They were able to bond over having an "unbearable" sibling.

"Before you go, I have your quizzes graded," Alejandro announced, holding a stack of papers. Heather perked up at her desk, ready to claim her paper. "Heather Kaneko—"

Heather shot right out of her seat and grabbed her paper. "By the way, I want to talk about the questions I missed," she told Alejandro with a confident smile.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I—don't think you missed any, Heather."

Wait, what? Her heart stopped when she looked down at her paper. It had a 100% written at the top right corner. "That's impossible," she whispered.

"¿Qué?" Alejandro asked.

"Uh—I-it's nothing!" She stammered, more embarrassed than she'd ever been in her life. How did I get the damn questions right when I PURPOSELY missed two?!

Alejandro gave her a small chuckle before calling on the next student. Heather awkwardly backed away and sat back down at her desk. Fuck. I need to come up with something else. She watched everyone else leave, including Courtney, who gave her a judgmental look before tramping out of the room.

Heather looked over her paper. "Are you sure I didn't miss any? Can you grade it again?"

"Heather," said Alejandro. "I always double-check my papers after I grade them, and you did exceptionally well. I don't know why you are so adamant. You're doing great in this class." He smoothly typed something on his laptop.

Heather laughed sheepishly. "Ok, the gig is up, Alejandro. You can, you know, tell me if you gave me a one-hundred percent just because we talk all the time now. But that's totally unfair because I—"

"Qué? What are you talking about?" Alejandro cocked his head to the side. "I don't give unfair advantages to anyone. Why do you want to get something wrong, chica?"

"I just thought—I could've sworn I did." She looked back at the two questions she tried to purposely miss. Yep, same answers. I guess I thought the other ones were right then. Damn it! I guess I need more tutoring than I thought.

Heather took a deep breath, then slowly walked over to his desk. "Ok, I know I got a one-hundred percent, but I just guessed on some of these questions. Could you maybe—tell me what some of these questions mean?"

Alejandro looked up from his laptop to meet her stormy grey orbs. He felt intimidated, so he laughed, averting his eyes away. "Are you serious right now?"

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