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Heather woke up the following morning to the sound of running water. Alejandro's scent surrounded her via the blankets, and she wrapped herself tighter in them. If only she could forget about the previous day's events and sleep all day. She contemplated asking Alejandro to cuddle with her all day when he finished his shower.

Her phone interrupted any blissful thought she had with a text. Groaning, she sat up and looked at the message.

Cody: Yeah, I heard about it. Unsurprisingly, it was Professor Alejandro. The real question is: are you ok, Heath?

Heather froze. She texted her friend back: Yeah, I'm ok. Why wouldn't I be?

Cody: Because I didn't see you at the bus stop today... what happened?

Heather sighed. She figured that she might as well tell him since they had nothing left to lose anymore. A call from her father interrupted her texting.

"God damnit, what now?" Heather grumbled to herself before picking up.

"Heather Feather, your mom's wondering if you have any extra dresses she can borrow," answered Rob.

"Yeah, right. As if I'm letting that cow wear any of my clothes! Besides, they'll all be too tight for her," Heather said.

"I can hear you!" Martha's sharp voice came through the phone. "You're on speaker."

Rolling her eyes, Heather sat up in bed. "I'm trying to relax, guys. Leave me alone!"

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?!" Martha snapped.

Heather sighed. "—Yes, but I'm not in school anymore."

"What?! What the hell did you do?!"

"Nothing!" Heather lied. "I just found the university boring."

"You're about to graduate. Why the fuck would you drop out?!" Martha screeched.

"Feather," her dad began softly, "I don't think that's the reason. We know you wouldn't give up on your degree when it's this close.

"Fine. The reason I'm not in school anymore is because I cheated on a midterm a few months ago," Heather fabled. "They didn't find out about it until just now."

"Are you serious right now?" Martha said. "After all that money we spent on your education, you CHEAT?"

"Yeah, so? The test was hard!"

"You're unbelievable and definitely not my daughter if you're that stupid."

"Martha, honey! Please don't call your own daughter stupid," Rob tried to defend Heather. "She made a mistake."

"Exactly!" Heather said. "Which is why I need you guys to help me transfer to a new university this Summer."

Martha cackled loudly. "Is this some kind of joke? You think we're made of money, don't you?!"

"No, but I know you guys are rich, and you don't need to spend more money on stupid things like that swan statue!" Heather spat.

"You've never had a job in your life, Heather!" Martha yelled. "You have no idea how annoying it is to work and spend most of your money on CHILDREN."

"Maybe you shouldn't have had SEVEN children!" Argued Heather.

"You're right! Maybe I shouldn't have. Especially you!"

"Dad!" Heather glared, her face getting hot. "Tell her why you guys should support me! Don't you want me to be successful?"

"Heather..." Rob's voice trailed off. "Although I don't regret having you or any of your siblings, I think it's a good idea that you find a job and support yourself from now on."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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