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Song: How To Be a Heartbreaker

Artist: MARINA (Glee Version)



Heather stared at the clock on the white wall in the classroom. Every tick felt like an entire minute. She hadn't slept well during the weekend. Her head was filled with thoughts about her dead sister, what happened at the bar, and—you guessed it—Alejandro. She was so caught up in him that she couldn't pay attention to his lecture. All those feelings blended together and created something that made Heather sick to her stomach in so many different ways. She had been anxious for the entire class hour, fidgeting at her desk, clicking her pen, -which Courtney glared at her for - and tapping her foot against the hard tile floor.

"Heather!" Speak of the devil.

She sighed and turned around. "What, Courtney?"

Courtney jerked her head towards the front of the classroom. Heather looked in that direction and saw Alejandro staring at her as if she had something on her face. "...Yes?" Heather asked.

"I asked you a question," he told her.

Heather swallowed. "Um...could you repeat it?"

"I asked you three times, Heather," Alejandro said.

"Sorry!" She cringed. "Just repeat it!"

Alejandro ignored her curtness. "What do you think the mental illness I've just described is?"

Oh fuck me, Heather groaned inwardly. How long have I not been listening? "Could you repeat what you described?" There were a few laughs from the class.

Alejandro gave her a small frown. "It's ok, I'll ask someone else. Do you mind staying a few minutes after class to talk?"

Heather's face fell flat. Fuck me harder. Now I'm in trouble. "Fine," she muttered.


Courtney raised her hand.

"Yes, Courtney?" Said Alejandro.

"Obviously the mental illness was schizophrenia," she answered with a proud smile on her face.

"Yes! Schizophrenia! You are correct!" Alejandro continued lecturing.

"I think you may have schizophrenia, Heather," Courtney whispered mockingly. "You never pay attention in class."

"Oh, haha, you're so funny," Heather rolled her eyes.

"Courtney, Heather, please," Alejandro begged.

"I'm listening," Heather shrugged. "I've been trying to listen," she said through gritted teeth.

"I have been too!" Courtney said.

"Ok. Just...please continue to do that." I don't know why these two love getting on my nerves, he thought. Especially Heather.

When class was over, Heather, once again, waited at her desk. "Ok, what did I do this time?" She said complainingly.

"Nothing different from what you usually do, but I don't want to talk to you about that." Alejandro shut off his laptop. "Are you doing alright?"

Heather looked at him with vexation. "Yes. Why?

"Well," he slightly tugged at his shirt, "I just thought I'd ask you after what happened during the weekend. You were very dissociative today."

"My state of mind is none of your business, Alejandro." Heather crossed her arms, creating a barrier around herself; around her heart.

"I apologize. I do not mean to invade your personal life. I want to see you succeed. That is all," Alejandro told her.

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