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Song: Crashing xD

Artists: ILLENIUM, Bahari

A/n- Important announcement at the end of this chapter!❣️


Heather had Samantha Davidson's license plate number. The day before, Heather had parked next to Samantha and noticed her getting in her car. She snapped a quick picture of the plate, knowing it would come in handy sooner or later. And she was right.

Today, Samantha stayed behind after class to ask Alejandro a "question." Heather and Alejandro had given each other looks, and Heather immediately got her phone out to prepare. She stood outside the classroom while keeping herself hidden behind the doorway.

Samantha made her usual arrogant walk toward Alejandro. "Can I talk to you in your office?" She twirled her hair. Alejandro felt disgusted, but he knew he had to agree. Heather's right here, he assured himself.

Of course, Alejandro had told Heather that Samantha would have him go to his office with her because of the cameras in the classroom, so Heather was prepared for that as well. She swiftly moved behind the nearby staircase and watched them walk into the elevator. She ran down the stairs and cautiously checked her surroundings before hiding again.

Alejandro and Samantha came out. Samantha was giggling and gawking at him like some immature schoolgirl. Heather dug her nails into the palms of her hands. It disgusted her to see the scene before her.

Heather noticed the worried expression on Alejandro's face as his eyes scanned the area for her, so she texted him: I'm behind the stairs. I'll be right behind your office door when you're inside.

Alejandro looked at his phone while he and Samantha walked to his office. He smiled at his girlfriend's text.

Heather crept behind them and waited patiently for Alejandro to shut the door behind him and Samantha. She tiptoed to the door, then pressed record, aiming her camera into the tiny window slit.

Samantha grabbed Alejandro's hand and sensually caressed it. "So, your cast is finally off. I guess that means you can defend yourself, huh?"

Alejandro stepped away from her, freeing his hand. "I could do it with my cast on as well."

"Then why didn't you?" Samantha mocked. "You could've stopped me then. I'm guessing the only reason you didn't is that you secretly liked it."

"No, because you're blackmailing me," Alejandro stated loudly, ensuring that he got all the information clearly in the video. "You told me that you'd tell the chancellor I was harassing you, which isn't true!"

Samantha let out a sinister laugh. "You're so helpless. It's kind of cute, actually. I've always wanted power over a sexy man like you." She pushed him up against the wall.

Heather shook with anger. No, she was enraged. She had to stop herself from knocking down the door and ripping Samantha's hair out.

"Hmm, let's see what I could do to you..." Samantha pretended to think. "We could kiss again, but that would just be boring." She snaked her hands down his body.

"Samantha, stop!" Alejandro yelled. He felt hopeful because he saw Heather's phone from the corner of his eye.

"Shut up!" Samantha glared. "If you make any more loud noises, I'm going to report you! Now sit still." She went for his belt. Alejandro squeezed his eyes shut.

Heather panicked. She shut off the recording and knocked on the door. I have more than enough footage. This is going too far.

Alejandro sighed in relief. Samantha instantly jumped back from him and folded her hands. He opened the door. "Oh, hola, Heather!"

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