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Song: Wildfire

Artist: Demi Lovato


Heather sat at her desk in Alejandro's class, pouting. She had been in a grumpy mood for the past two days because she couldn't find her diary anywhere. Writing in that diary was one of her only coping mechanisms besides talking to Bruiser, so without it, she would use every excuse in the book as to why she acted "extra bitchy."

"Wanna study together again this evening?" Courtney asked her quietly. "We have that quiz coming up next Wednesday." The class was almost over, and Alejandro was already grading the exams at his desk. Courtney had been the first to finish, as usual, and Heather had finished somewhere in the middle.

"Sorry, I have to help my dad with something in an hour," Heather answered.

"Ok, that's fine. We always have Friday and the weekend," Courtney said. Heather nodded.

Samantha was the last person to turn in her exam. As she handed it to Alejandro, she brushed her hand against his. Alejandro jerked his hand away but kept his eyes down on the papers. If I ignore her, she'll stop, he reassured himself. She loves the attention.

"Why is she always wearing those slutty outfits?" Heather whispered to Courtney, looking at Samantha.

Courtney pursed her lips. "Because she wants the attention? I don't know. Your theory about her wanting an A in the class could be right. And if she's wearing it in front of him again...what is he doing?"

"Nothing!" Heather blurted a little too loudly. The people sitting nearby her looked at her. "Nothing," she lowered her voice. "Why would he do that with a student?"

"Because he looks like he would," Courtney said.

"Yeah, but with her? Let's be real," Heather replied.

"There you go again, sounding jealous. Just like last week."

"Stop it, Courtney!" Heather fought the blush threatening to rise under her cheeks. "I'm not jealous."

Courtney shook her head at Heather. "I hope to God you aren't."

"I'm not!"

"Good. That would be—awful if you liked our professor. But it would be worse if he liked you back."

Thanks, Courtney. Heather rolled her eyes, playing it cool. "Whatever. I have to go. I'd like to have some free time to mentally prepare for when I see my dad." She stood up.

"Ok, see you Friday then." Courtney gathered her things and left the classroom.

As Heather headed toward the door, Alejandro came running up behind her. "Heather, wait!" He held his bag.

Heather spun around, internally freaking out. "What do you want?!" she snapped.

Alejandro scoffed with a light chuckle. "I just wanted to return your diary." He reached into his bag and grabbed it. Heather wanted to die right then and there. No way. No. Fucking. Way. With a shaking hand, she snatched the journal away from him. He smirked, ensuring everyone had left the classroom before speaking again, "So, I heard you wanted to rip my clothes off." 

It took Heather a moment to process what he had just said. Then her face grew bright red. "You...you motherfucker!"

"Relax, chica. I read it by accident. I found it opened on that page when I saw it on the floor."

"So your first instinct is to read it?!"

"I saw my name. I needed to know if someone was spreading rumors about me. And I was not disappointed," Alejandro smirked wider.

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