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Song: Bleeding Love

Artist: Leona Lewis


"Are you sure about this? I don't know if it's a good idea..."

"Mi amor, no one in mi familia goes to college anymore," Alejandro assured Heather. They were cuddling in his bed while completing a crossword puzzle together.

"But what if one of your brother's friends in college finds out?" Heather worried.

"They won't. I'll make sure you are never in the same room as them," Alejandro kissed the top of her head. "I'm tired of hiding you from them." He stroked her face. "I don't want you to be my secret. I want to tell my family I am proud to be with you."

Heather kissed him. "I'm proud to be with you too. My dad would have a heart attack if he ever found out."

"I do not doubt that," he chuckled, removing a strand of hair from her forehead.

"I really wanna meet your family, Alejandro. But I'm scared," she said.

"Don't be." Alejandro held her closer, laying the crossword on the floor. "There is absolutely no risk in doing this. All we have to do is make up a story about how we met."

"Ok, I'll trust you," Heather smiled.

"You won't regret it," Alejandro winked playfully. "I think it would be best to tell them tomorrow evening since my mom invited my brothers and me over for dinner. You'll get to meet everyone, although I could live without José meeting you," he cringed.

Heather laughed. "Well, he is a part of your family, so you can't really escape him."

"Right you are, unfortunately."

"Hey, whenever I graduate in three months, you'll get to meet my—wonderful family. I'd prefer not to tell them about you, but they'll eventually find out because my younger siblings love looking through my phone every chance they get when I'm over there."

"Don't you have a passcode?" Asked Alejandro.

"Yes, but they're smart enough to crack it every time," Heather replied.

"It only makes sense since they're related to you. All intelligent."

"We get our brains from both parents in different ways. My mom has more common sense and knows how to manipulate, and my dad has the book smarts. That's the only compliment I'll give either of them."

Alejandro shook his head no. "They don't deserve any compliments from you, mi reina. I want to meet your parents to give them a piece of my mind."

Heather giggled. She wrapped her leg around his torso. "You're my new body pillow, kay?"

"I can accept that," Alejandro grinned. He ran his hands down her leg, enjoying the smoothness. "Your legs are so sexy."

"Is it because I shaved an hour ago?"

"Not only that. I love every part of your gorgeous body."

Heather smirked. She used her foot to lift his pants so she could feel his leg. "You shaved recently too."

"Sí, yesterday. I regularly get full body waxes, but I didn't have time to go to my appointment," Alejandro said.

"You get full body waxes?" Heather blushed.

"Yes. Lo siento for not telling you before if that was important," he laughed.

"No, it's not bad," said Heather. "I like how you put in the effort to look your best. I've gotten my legs waxed so many times. It hurts, but it's so satisfying in the end."

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