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Song: Secret Love Song Pt. II

Band: Little Mix


"I think a purple and black wedding theme would be perfect."

"I think you are colorblind, darling, because purple is too feminine, and black is too dreadful. I say we need white and gold for wealth."

Alejandro wanted to die. He sat at the dinner table at his parent's house, forced to hear José and Cassandra discuss their wedding plans at the last second. It was nearing the end of December-the day after Christmas-and their wedding was going to be in less than two months. "May I offer a suggestion?" He spoke up.

"No," José spat.

"Let him, honey," Cassandra said, crossing her arms.

"Thank you," Alejandro began. "Why don't you two just postpone the wedding and have it during the Summer since you can't agree on a single thing?" Or, better yet, don't get married at all.

José glared. "See, Cassandra? This is what happens when my little brother opens his mouth. Nothing but garbage. Hence, why I never let him speak."

Alejandro balled his fists. He was about to give his rebuttal when Mariana shushed him. "Alejandro, this is your brother's wedding. I know it's kind of last-minute, but if they want their wedding to be on Valentine's Day, then let them have it on Valentine's Day."

"They could have it next Valentine's Day, then," he said.

"No. I will be thirty years old before next year," said José. "I refuse to get married that old."

"Thirty isn't old," Alejandro grumbled.

"It is to me. I must relish in my twenties while I still can."

"Are you jealous that I still have three years left?" Alejandro sneered.

"Not in the slightest!" José snapped.

"Ok, that's enough," Pedro interrupted. "You two are so young. Your mother and I are in our fifties. Youth goes by fast. Enjoy it while you can. And José, you are never too old to get married to the love of your life. Just look at your uncle Julio! He is forty-nine years old, and he just got married earlier this year!"

"Yeah, for the third time," José muttered under his breath. Cassandra giggled.

"My point is," Pedro continued, "Do not feel rushed into marriage. Enjoy every waking moment with your love. I know I did. Your mother and I dated for five years before I proposed." He kissed Mariana's cheek, making her blush.

"Oh, Pedro, stop it," she laughed.

José grimaced. "I don't need to hear anything about your relationship; thank you very much."

"Those aren't even details, José," Carlos chuckled. Alejandro laughed with him. How pathetic. José can't take hearing anything about anyone else but himself.

"So what?" José pouted. "We're here to discuss my wedding." Cassandra cleared her throat. "—Our wedding."

Alejandro shook his head. He took a bite of his Empanada.

"Well," Cassandra broke the silence, "José and I could agree on one thing. I thought it would be really cute if we had everyone bring a date to the wedding! Of course, we'll have to call everyone we sent the invitations to, but I think it would be so fun!"

"Oh, I absolutely love that idea, Cassandra!" Mariana beamed. Carlos and Pedro nodded with a shrug, not caring otherwise, considering they already had wives.

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