Chapter 1:The possibly best day of her life

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Tge supernatural world has many different factions. Devils. Angels. Fallen angels. Olympus. Vampires. Dragons. The list just goes on.

But there are also different factions recognized in the supernatural world. One would think that the most proeminent in all the world would be the Holy Church, but in Japan the ruling human faction is the Five Principal Clans.

The Five Principal Clans are five families that goes by the religion of Shinto, as the church worships God. Like the church is given the power of light to fight against the dark creatures, each one of the five families were granted control over one element each by the Shinto Gods to fight against...well, whatever they want to. Unlike other factions that are controling of their worshipers, the Shinto Gods are pretty chill.

Now while most of the people of the Himejima Clan might be...well, assholes, that's not a motive to judge all the clans by the criteria. Unlike the Himejima the other clans wouldn't kick you out just because you have a Sacred Gear. Akso unlike the Himejimas, that are too stuck up to accept other religions than Shinto, at least two of the clans had incorporated other believes like Buddhism.

One of those two clans was the Shinra Clan. A little oddity between the clans, you may say. While the others were given the four basic elements, the Shinra Clan was gifted the element of metal.

We found ourselves in a beatiful eastate owned by the Shinra Clan. On the inside three people were sitting on tatamis for a talk. A man, a woman and a girl, from which the girl can be seen to be shocked beyond belief, without a doubt.

The girl had beatiful purple eyes with hair of the same color styled in a sidetail. She was wearing a standard school uniform, indicating that she returned after a long day of studying, and had a katana with the symbol of a white tiger, the very symbol of the Shinra Clan. Her name was Shinra Sakura.


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To say the least, Sakura was shocked by the news her parents gave her. She was a capable young woman, having mastered the metal manipulation of her clan to a level unseen before in which she can even turn her own skin into metal. This just improved by her abilities in swordplay and Touki. Of course, she couldn't say she can be compared with the strenght with their clan's heir but she considers herself to be pretty strong.

Of course, she's not just gonna ignore her responsabilities, she will strive to be a examplar wife! Problem is, she got absolutely zero experience in romance...She just hopes the guy is at least half decent.

Woman:Yes, please at least give him a chance.

Man:I meet him, he's not half a bad guy. He's also from the Kumagawa Clan, a branch of the Nakiri clan.

Sakura began thinking of the name. Although a branch family, the Kumagawa family is without a doubt the mist economicaly influencial of all the clans. They're also the ones that hide all incidents between the clans or even with supernatural entities in their territory. A terrifyingly cunning family for sure.

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