Chapter 11:Every anime needs one of those, doesn't it?

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The devils and church official looked in awe and horror at the brutal way Kumagawa took Kokabiel's life. On the other side, Issei had sweat dropping diwn his face with a awkard expression while Freed was full on grinning like the madman he was. Noro gave a neutral hum while Sakura held a proud smile at seeing her husband defend her.

Kumagawa:[Alright, now...]

Kumagawa moved his hand up to tge side, the minus's limb meeting a blast of silver demonic energy. As the two meet the blast hit the abnormal clan member's palm causing smoke to come out but did no damage what so ever.

Kumagawa:[What could be the problem?]

A man clad in a draconic white armor decorated with gold and blue jewels with silver hair and golden eyes hovered in the air having his impressed expression hidden under his helmet. His name was Vali Lucifer.

Vali:I was planning to take both Valper and Kokabiel back for interrogation, but

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Vali:I was planning to take both Valper and Kokabiel back for interrogation, but...

He looked at the ground to see the mutilated bodies of both fallen angel and human. He also noticed Noro moving his head up when he looked at Valper's corpse. Vali thought that in that moment the masked man looked like a dog protecting his food.

Vali:It looks like I ran a little bit late.

Sakura:Why did you atack my husband then? If anything, shouldn't you thank him for taking care of your work?

Kumagawa:[He's a battle maniac.]


Vali:Hahaha, that's right! How did you know?


Three specific individuals were in Kumagawa's thoughts. A blue haired woman with red eyes and childish demeanor, a black skinned man with black hair and eyes of the same color having a passion of science and a purple skinned man with red hsir and golden eyes that looked more akin to a demon from folklore.

Kumagawa:[Let's just just say I have meet your kind before.]

Vali:I see. I'm dissapointed I haven't got to see the performance of the boy that's supposed to be my rival.

Issei:Huh? Who's he talking about?

Freed:Who do you think, genius?

Issei:Eh? Me? Why do I have luck only with crazies?

Vali:Well, no matter. We'll see each other soon!

Vali took off in the air, more excited to see Kumagawa again than his actual opposite. The man in question ran a hand through his hair and let out a sigh.

Kumagawa:[Now I need to babysit another one.]

The next day the ORC have invited them to school after the classes ended. And so the two groups meet at the school pool.

Kumagawa:[Man, this is such a cliche.]

Sakura:Hm, it's like we're part of some kind of show.

Rias:Welcome! I wante to give you my gratitude for helping us in...

Before she can finish her speech she heard sound of movements behind her. Both Noro and Kumagawa were already sitting on sunbeds wearing only swimsuits, Kumagawa having a blue one while Noro had a red one. Kumagawa had sunglasses on while reading the new issue of Weekly Shounen Jump while Noro was just basking in the light with his mask still on.

Rias was left with her mouth agape at the speed they have arranged themselves good and confortable. The others took this as a sign to began to relax, completly ignoring the shocked Rias.

Each member of Kumagawa's group had their swimsuits at them, because the King of Minuses has forseen a pool episode will follow. Sakura had a dark purple swimsuit with a sexy pattern tha she knew Kumagawa liked. Unlike others who went in the pool or just sat by themselves, she choose to sit on Kumagawa's sunbed and cling to her husband.

Akeno:Freed-kun, could you help me with the sun lotion?

Freed:Well, not like I have anything better to do.

Rias:I...Issei-kun, me too!

Issei:I really wanted to swim a little, though.


Everyone was having fun. However, Koneko approached the Principal Clan couple with a problem.

Koneko:Sakura-senpai, Kumagawa-senpai, I...don't know how to swim. Do you mind if you help me?

Sakura:Well, I don't see any trouble with that.

Kumagawa:[Let's begin with the kids pool. I think there are some flops in the changing room. Noro-chan, do you mind if you take them?]

Noro gave a nod to his leader and walked to the room to retrieve the objects. The couple moved to the little pool to help Koneko.

Sakura held her not to drown while practicing and Kumagawa explained in detail various swimming styles. When seeing that Issei could think of a single thing while giving lotion to Rias.

Issei:They kinda look like a married couple going to the beach with their kid.

However, the young pervert averted his gaze after Koneko giving him a death glare at comparing her to a kid. Not long after Noro came back with the floaps.

Freed finished his bussiness and came to them. Although Noro wore a mask, the other two men could tell he looked exhausted.

Freed:What the fuck happened to you?

Noro:That girl...Xenovia almost assaulted me. I told her I'll think about it to get her off my back.

Kumagawa:[Ah, that's so?]

Noro:Well, I might consider it after she gets some sense of self-worth.

Freed:Tch! The church, man.

Sakura smiled with joy at seeing the three acting like brothers once again. Koneko began to swim in the big pool and was doing very well because of her lessons.

Issei came to the three men members of his team as they were playing a joined RPG. Somehow, they ended up talking about girls.

Freed:I'm pretty sure than Akeno chick digs me.

Kumagawa:[Ah, are you gonna answer in kind?]

Freed:Eh, she's pretty fun to be around. And have you seen her.


Behind Kumagawa Sakura pouted and gave a kick of frustration to Kumagawa's back. Unsurprisingly, the one who ended up feeling pain was her.

Issei:I think Gremory-senpai does have a thing for me. Her boobs are great, but...she's kind of a brat.

Freed:You said it!

They soon finished the game and now pretty much everyone was in the pool. The only exceptions were Kumagawa who wanted to finish the issue, Freed who prefered to stay under a shadow because of his condition and Noro who didn't want to get his mask wet. While splashing around Rias ended up splashing water over Kumagawa's manga.


Freed leaped into the water and took Akeno out while Issei and Sakura warned everyone to run while they can. The last thing Rias saw was a closed eye vein poping smile of Kumagawa begore walls of screws obstructioned her view.

Before her the water morphed in a hydra-like construct. The first instict was to fire Power of Destruction on the hydra which did distrupt it. However, it quickly reformed back.

Rias than tried to use her clan's ability on the screws trapping her, but this time it didn't leave even a scratch. Rias gulped looking at the water under tge form of a mythological monster.


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