Chapter 13:We have a group of misbehaving kids, ey?

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Issei weighted Ascalon in his hands and gave a slash to test it. He looked at Kumagawa for confirmation, but the minus gave a shrug of his shoulder indicating he didn't really care what he was gonna do with the holy artefact.

Kumagawa:[Incorporate it in your Sacred Gear if you want. It'd make it much easier to carry around.]

Issei:I see.

Michael:If I may make a request. Because of the recent events the leaders of the three faction will have a peace meeting in this very town. As part of the Five Principal Clans and the one to have slayn the threat threatening to start a war, we'd appreciate if you could participate.

Kumagawa:[At what time it's this meeting?]

Michael:Exactly five PM.

Kumagawa:[You're in luck. We don't start the game night until untill eight.]

Issei does quiet enjoy the game night. Freed curses a lot when Kumagawa bears his ass in Mario Kart.

The next day Kumagawa together with his friends and wife left for the conference peace meeting. Rias and Sona also cane with their perrages.

When they entered the room Kumagawa noticed that all of the members brought people with them. Serafall really was a Maou, although she xane alone. Sirzech brought Grayfia with him. Michael brought Irina which looked to have been coverted in an angel by the pair of white wings and halo. And the man Vali stand beside must be the leader of fallen angels.

He had bicolored hair, the front was blonde while the back was black, and golden eyes. He also looked really laid-back, you'd think he came here for a drink rather than a peace meeting. His name was Azazel.

Kumagawa didn't really listened to the raport Rias gave to the leaders

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Kumagawa didn't really listened to the raport Rias gave to the leaders. After all, he was at the center of the action ao there was no real reason for him to listen when he has already experienced it.

Rias:And that concludes our raport.

Azazel:Man, what a lunatic.

Sirzech:That's rather uncoth counting the fact that he was your subordinate.

Azazel:That's why I send Vali to take care of him, but he came to late. Who knows. Maybe he saw an good ass and was late because.

Vali:You know I can hear, right? I'm litteraly right here.

Azazel:I'm all about peace right now. So, peace. Let's make peace.

Michael:You've also taken quiet the obssesion on Sacred Gears.

Azazel:That's a story as old as the world. At least I don't snitch the passions of my brothers to the entire heaven.

Michael:Azazel...It has been centuries since than. That's not even why you've fallen. Get over it.

Serafall:Oh, the leader of the angels? A snitch?

Sirzech:Now those are some juicy news!

Sakura:Huh, they're a lot more relaxed than I thought they'd.

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