Chapter 8:Let's use this oportunity for extortion

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Today was a great day for the devil race. The arranged marriage between the House of Gremory and House of Phenex will commence, a child to have noth the Power of Destruction and Immortality would be a great asset for the Devil Faction. Not that the ones to be wedd were so happy about it.

Although bitter, Riser need to admit that Rias and her perrage have become overwhelmingly powerful. He does suspect the smiling man from the Nakiri Clan was responsable for this.

Rias is not happy for the results, but it's not like he's so thrilled himself. Sure, he didn't want to get married to her either, but what was he supposed to do? Lose? He has too much pride fir that.

At the party Akeno, Kiba and Koneko were mindlessly walking around the ball room of the party without a trace of shame. They might've lost, but damn, did they put up a fight.

On their way they found Kumagawa's usual group. Issei was in a tuxedo, Asia in a green dress, Freed in a white three piece suit, Noro in a aristocratic red suit with his hair that was usually in a ponytail let loose and Sakura had a fancy dark purple dress cut at the side to the point were her tight can be seen.

Freed:Ey, don't you look good?

Akeno:Fufufu, the same can be said about you.

Nora:It was a nice fight.

The pieces of Gremory had a surprised look which quickly turned into grateful smiles. It was rare to hear Noro talking and even more rare for him to give a compliment.

Koneko:We'll take him next time.

Sakura:It's not a shame that you lost. After all, Riser-san was put in a tought position before winning at a last pace streak.

Yuuto:Haha, that situation was ver akin to our training. On that note, where's Kumagawa-kun?

Sakura gave a little grin to the three. The grin of a wife that shows off her husband.

Sakura:Oh, he's coming.

A grest fire was started at the middle of the ballroom. It died down as it revealed Riser.

Riser:Riser welcomes you all to the wedding!

As he started speaking a shadow fell in the same area as him, shaking the entire ballroom as it fell. As the dust cleared it was revealed the shadiw was Kumagawa. He had black pants, shoes add shirt coupled with a gray vest and his hair was slicked back, he also had a glass with a alcoholic drink in it.

Kumagawa:[I would like to start by adressing the poor quality of the drnks here. Isn't this a great day for the devil race? Is it really the time to get cheap?]

Guard:Seize him!

Guards came on a great amonut to seize Kumagawa. The Gremory perrage was going to intervene, only to be stopped by Kumagawa's wife and friends.

Kumagawa didn't even take his eyes from the drink as oversized screws matterialized in the air and pierced the guards as they fell to the floor with letahl bleeding. The minus took another sip from the drink without even acknowgleding their existence.

Kumagawa:[Yes, this is horrible.]

Kumagawa poured the rest of the drink on the area where a screw was stabbed of one of the guards at his feet. The background character screamed in pain and alcohol was poured in his wound, the minus still not even glancing at him.

Riser looked at the scene and gulped audibly. The rest of the nobles weren't any better, they were gonna scream at the filthy human to leave or die but their words were stuck in their throats after seeing the man's brutality.

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