Chapter 9:Is this the best the church has to offer?

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Sakura was in her house, her katana out and sharpened. She was staring directly at the monster, no, the demon that tormented her through her entire childhood. A cocky grin formed on her face, now it was the time for revenge!

Sakura:Now, now, what's the matter? Your kind had so much fun filling my nightmares. But now, hehe, but now I'm strong. So what are you gonna do? Do your worst, spawn of Satan!

Suddenly, the miniature best sprouted transparent wings and began hovering in the air. Sakura's eyes widened in horror.

Sakura:It can flyyyy!

Her composture and confidence vanished just like that. The katana skipped from her hands and the girl ran to the living room as she hid under the sofa.

Sakura:What kind of twisted god allowed such a thing!?

Fortunately, her salvation has come. A familiar pale hand lifted the sofa as the husband looked at his trembling wife.

Kumagawa:[Sakura? What happened?]

Sakura:It's the...the's in the kitchen!

Kumagawa heard some noises that were familiar. Flapping of wings and a certain buzzing.

Kumagawa:[A cocroach?]

Sakura:Don't say it's name! It will only empower it further!

Kumagawa:[...I'll take care of it.]

Kumagawa calmly walked to the kitchen. Behind him Sakura looked at him like he was a warrior going in the cruelest war.

The minus saw the flying insect in the corner of the kitchen. The fact that it can fly probably only managed to make it all the more terrifying for his wife.

Kumagawa sighed in exasperation and halfhearthedly threw a normal sized screw in the position of the cocroach. Lazily he might have thrown but it still hit the insect at pint point accuracy as it was shred to pieces and finnaly killed. As her terror was gone Sakura jumped in Kumagawa's arms.

Sakura:Waaaah! Misogi, I was so scared!

Kumagawa stared at Sakura with half open eyes. He might understand anyone's weaknesses, strenghts, motivations, physolophies, dreams and entire personalities together with the way they think from a single gllance. Yet he's certain he'll never understand women.

Freed entered in the kitchen and stared at the two confused. Soon enough his face changed in a exasperated expression.



Freed:Anyway, Red Hair Junior called us saying she'll have a meeting with some church bitches.

Sakura:You seem to still held deep resentment towards your former allies.

Freed:Because everyone in the church are bitches...except my sister. She's pretty cool.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, who'd thought you'd be so cute genderbend.]

Freed:The worst part is thar I can't even argue with that.

They called the others and soon went to the ORC. Sure enough twoo girls carrying holy swords were there with some rather...revealing outfits.

The first one had blue hair with a yellow strand and golden eyes. Her name was Xenovia Quatra.

 Her name was Xenovia Quatra

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