Chapter 15:I'm just a pervert fortunate to have extraordinare people around!

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Least to say, Kumagawa's "fight" had left quiet an impression. Slaughter as it mayv have been, what he did was nothing short of amazing crossing over bordeline impossible.

Michael didn't think anyone beyond his Father could do that, but then he remembers Ajimu Najimi. It wasn't a wonder why the not-equal and minus were around each other so much, they were so similar that they could enjoy tge time around each other while feeding their egos.

Sirzech trembled at the thought of what'd happen if one of his people had got on Kumagawa's bad side and he decided to do that again, but in the entire Underworld. He doesn't think even he'd survive that. Yet another reason to not piss off the Perfect Minus. Although Serafall did think of making a collab with Kumagawa.

Azazel was currently clapping his hands at the display, he thought not even the Old Man would've given such a spectacle. He liked this kid.

On Kumagawa's own side there wasn't any reaction from Noro, he knows that's nothing for him. Issei was in a state of conplete awe and for some reason Sakura did think Kumagawa was very hot at that moment.

Sakura:Hyoudo-kun, I believe you're awaited.

Issei turned his head confused at Sakura and she promptly pointed up. He followed the young Shinra's finger and found Vali in the sky clad in his Balance Breaker. Issei sighed and changed in his own Balance Breaker, seeing no other option.

The Red and White Dragon Emperors stared at each ither from their armors, none making the first move yet. Vali was the first that began to speak.

Vali:Your leader sure is something.

Issei:Hehe, guess that's Kumagawa-senpai for you.

Vali:I mainly had my interes on you for being my rival, but...He jad taken first place just now!

Issei:...You realize you're most likely gonna die, right?

Vali:Haha, maybe! Honesty, even after witnessing that I have no idea how his powers actually work. It might be some sort of Sacred Gear manipulating holy elements, but something tells me that's not it.

Issei:If you're trying something from me, then no way. I'm no snitch.

Vali:You're really royal, huh? Guess there's more then girls in your brain.

Vali suddenly skyroketed forward, but Issei hovered back in time to avoid him. Both Sacred Gears activated andthey began to trade blows.

Blasts of blue magic were shot upon Issei, but he quickly let out a series of powerful punches empowered by several boosts and destroyed them before they hit him. Vali send more blasts while he studied the smoke created by the clash to find Issei for another attack.

Vali's senses kicked in and he flew to his right, avoiding a Dragon Shoot fired from behind him. Under yhe helmet Vali let out a big grin whenhe saw Issei flaoting above him.

Vali:Yeah, you aren't bad at all!

Vali spinned in the air with a sudden movement aiming a kickat Issei's head, but the human manged yo move his arm in time to block it. Issei quickly responded with a punch aimed at his opponent's stomach, but Vali brought his foot up and succesfuly blocked the fist with his knee. The two were still around the same level thanks to their abilities countering each other.

Issei:Guess we're a hard counter for the other, huh?

Vali:Of course. That's only natural with me being the White Dragon Emperor of Supremacy abd you being the Red Dragon Emperor of Dominance.

Issei:...That's racist!


Issei:Your title is so racist! I mean, what? Iswhite supposed to be supreme or what? Wait! Wait...

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