Chapter 10:In short, minuses are better than fallen angels

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Freed has not shied away from cackling like a witch when discussing the matter of the exorcists lingering in the town. It was simply too funny for him to punch the church back after those years at the Siegfried Institute.

And it had been even better when they found out about the fallen angels around here. More targets practice to use.

Although if the Cadre will show up he'd leave the criw to Kumagawa or Noro. He doesn't like to admit it but he's the weakest of the trio. Doesn't help the fact that the other two are fucking immortal.

As the said trio, accompanied by Issei, were scouting the town in search for the thieves they have found a incredible sight...Xenovia and Irina were beging for money on the street. The albino's witch cackle has resounded once again.

Freed:Hahaha, this is the best day if my life!

Xenovia:...Now this has become even more humilating.

In the end they decided to treat them for a meal because Issei still cared for Irina, feeling which was shared by the girl also. But despise being refined exorcists their way of eating was anything but refined.

Kumagawa:[...I don't think even Hanosode-chan was this bad.]

Freed:And they wonder why no one has respect for exorcists.

Kumagawa:[So I can understand that you found nothing.]

Irina:That is correct.

Issei:Should we call Kiba? He was staring at those swords like they killed his family. Well, with one less.

Irina:I'm still mad about that! Do you know how much they'll cut from my pay!?

Issei:Not my fault it was cheap!

As the sumerged in their arguments Freed called Yuuto to come. Koneko tagged along to be sure he doesn't get himself into trouble. They began talking as the two childhood sweethearts continued to scream their lungs out at one another.

Xenovia:I see, so you're a servivor of the Holy Sword Project. No wonder you hate the Excaliburs so much. Well, our job it's to keep the Excaliburs outvod the fallen angels's hands. I see no problem to giving them to you to destroy them.

Yuuto:It kind of cuts short of the self-fullfilment if you're just giving them to me, but I guess this is the most efficent way of dealing with it.

Xenovia:Very well. Then let's separate and search for our targets.

Kumagawa:[Do you think anyone's gonna die?]

Koneko:It's a trope in horror movies, but one of them could end up critically injured.

As per the cat girl's prediction, Irina did get critically injured, but luckily was treated by Asia and resting at their house right now. Xenovia's Excalibur was also stollen.

Xenovia:Alright, maybe I should have paid more attention to horror movies.

Freed:No shit, Sherlock!

Kumagawa:[On the other size, he's really trying to get us to come.]

Kumagawa casted a gaze at the now red sky andthe floating figure above the school. Freed gave a scoff in response.

Freed:What an attention whore.

The six humans, Issei is not to sure if that count is correct because he's not sure if you can count Noro as a human, have moved on their way to the school to find out that the ORC was already fighting the Cadre, and losing. The student council was outside maintaining a barrier.

They have suddenly felt a familiar reinforcemnet of the barrier for the Kumagawa household as Sakura entered the battle. She had a katana in hand and a pout on her face.

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