Chapter 16:I sleep on training arcs!

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While the conference of peace had it's own surprises, it did end up on a relatively good note. Azazel began to count tge good things that happened at that time.

First off three of the four leaders of tge Old Satan Faction have been killed off, which leaves only one remaining. Than again, that one is Rizevim so things won't end so easy.

They have also winessed the power held by the new Red Dragon Emperor and he was stopped before going into Jugernaut Drive. He was surprised that the boy that had no actual training, power or skills whatsoever a few months ago managed to beat Vali. Good thing he was on their side.

Most importantantly, he still has two arms! He's sure that was it not for Kumagawa he would've had to cut off one of his arms. Although that would've been a good oportunity to try out that mechanical arm project he's been working on, not that he's complaining.

All in all, tge meeting had ended on a good note. After a discussion with Sirzech he was apointed as a teacher at Kuoh and a help for the ORC. They must strive to fight against the Khaos Brigade.

Oh, don't get him wrong. He knows very well Kumagawa could eliminate the Khaos Brigade by himself, but he also knows the King of Minuses has no motivation to do such a thing.

However, his presence is also something very important to them in the upcoming meeting. They managed to make contanct with the Norse Faction and are gonna requier an alliance with them. He thinks there'd be a pretty high chance for them to ambushed again and Kumagawa might find it interesting enough to lend them a hand.

And so that brings him here. Athis request Rias had brought him to the couple's house for him to invite them personally.

Azazel:Need to say, the kid's got taste.

The house was nice indeed, nothing too fancy but not ordinary either. When he entered he didn't get to have much of a conversation because the one who answered tge door was Noro.

When they got to the living room he was very much shocked. Sakura brought a plate of snacks to the table with happy housewife vibes all around her as a movie was playing.

However, that was not what gained his undivided attention. No, what shocked him was that beside Kumagawa on the sofa laid Ophis watching the movue together with everyone.

Kumagawa:[Ah, Did Azazel-chan come to visit?]

Sakura:Oh dear! Should I prepare more snacks? Would you like a cup of tea?

Azazel:Uh, no. I won't stay for tha long. But...Could I know what the Infinity Dragon is doing in your house.

Ophis:I believe humans refer to this as...Netflix and chill.

Azazel:...For real?

Kumagawa:[Well, I can see where you're coming from. But the Khaos Brigade isn't all there is to Ophis-chan, you know?]

Ophis:Indeed. I do not see how I spend my free time is any of your concerns, Fallen Angel Governor.

Azazel:Haaah, I guess so. Anyway, there will be soon a young devil gathering. We'll use that to form a pact with the Norse as well. Was wondering if you lot want to come?

Kumagawa:[Will Thor be there?]

Azazel:Sadly no. Just Odin with his assistant.

Kumagawa:[Pity, I was wondering what'd happen if you smash to Mjolnnirs into each other. What do you guys think?]

Sakura:I think an event that we could enjoy together would be nice.

Issei:Well, it not like I have anything to do anyway.

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