Chapter 17:Polyamorism isn't accepted, except for when it is

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Sakura had been sat down by Runeas as she began explaining what she was talking about. She began with the basis of what Ajimu Najimi is and what she was to Kumagawa.

At first Sakura felt competitivness and jelousy. However, all of that slowly descended into horror as Runeas began explaining of the relationship between the two abnormals.

As Runeas had finished her sumarry Sakura had tears slowly leakinv from hee eyes. The older woman had made no comment about it, as she thought it was understatable.

Sakura:Why...Why would she do something like that!? Did she not love him!?

Runeas:She did.

Sakura stopped her outburst as she heard Runeas's strict tone. Right now the childish women looks as mature as what you'd expect someone of her age to look.

Runeas:But love isn't alwais a good thing, as pure as it can be. Sakura-chan, you know that too much medicine can be poison, right? Well, too much love can be even worse than hate. It's not that she didn't love him, but she loved him too much. The very few instances where you love the other person so much, that you end up hurting them.

Ajimu Najimi was truly an overwhelming being. Not just her power, but everything about her was overwhelming.

As such, her love too was overwhelming. So much so that no one could bear to take it upon themselves.

No one, but Kumagawa Misogi. He shouldn't have gone through that, but he did.

Sakura funally stopped her sobing and began to think deeply. Now that she knows a bit of what Kumagawa has gone through, she doesn't want for him to feel like that ever again.

But Sakura was very much aware of her limitations. She has some talent, for certain, but she wouldn't go as far as to call herself capable of anything.

Was she really enough to accomplish such a task? Maybe...

Sakura:Fine, I will accept.


Sakura:Relationships with multiple partners isn't something strange in the supernatural world, right? Know that I'm making an exception for you, because I can see that you truly care about Misogi. But I'm still his wife!

Runeas:That's fine with me, I can just be the concubine!

There it was again, that eccentric personality of hers. Now that Sakura thought about it, Kumagawa displayed a similar front often as well.

She isn't as arrogant as to say that she understands Kumagawa the best. He probably had experiences she couldn't even imagine, despise them veing close in age.

Runeas too has had to go through much hardship in her long life. Perhaps that was the way they cope with it.

Runeas:Oh, we should have a bonding montage! Come on, we shall ride camels!

Sakura:That's...An interesting choice for an activity. Sure.

Runeas:Ah, I have an idea! I'll forc...invite Ria-tan too! Prepare your phone! You'll want to take pictures!

Sakura:Um... Runeas-san, what do you think Misogi is doing right now?

Runeas:Sakura-chan, men have their own ways of dealing with such things.

The Gremoru Mansion was equiped with many different facilities, as it's to be expected from the house of a family belonging to one of the 72 Pillars. Among those facilities was a onsen, which Kumagawa wasn't sure if it was added to the location for relaxation or just because of Rias's fantism with Japan.

Kumagawa had decided to hang out with his group here. The men of the group that is, Sakura was away with Runeas and Asia was hanging out with Koneko as ahe saw the girl to be a bit down.

Issei:Hey, what was up with you back then, Kumagawa-senpai?

Kumagawa:[Hm...Ghosts of the the past coming back ro haunt me, or something like that.]

Issei:That's an vague answer if I ever got one!

Freed:Give it up, kiddo. No one can make the boss man talk.

Issei:I guess that's true...

Kumagawa:[But are you alright, Issei-chan. You seem burnout, even though Azazel-chan hasn't started your training yet.]

Issei:No, but you can't believe what they made me do...

Both Freed and Kumagawa gave him curious glances, even Noro tilting his head in curiosity. They couldn't actually see his eyes beacuse he was still wearing his mask even though they were in an onsen, for no other reason than tht he feels confortable with it.

Issei:They made me study! Even though this was supposed to be time away from school! Devils really are evil!

Freed:Devils be crazy.

Issei:Ah, but at least Gremory-senpai's mother was there with her confronting presence.

Kumagawa:[Her presence or her boobs?]

Issei:That was a really helpful factor, yes.

Issei than began rambling about what he was forced to learn from this strict older lady that looked like a generic teacher. Basically he learned a lot about devils beggining from history to language and about the Gremorys is special.

Kumagawa chuckled when Issei said how the older lady was calling him Young Master for no apparent reason. That made it clear for him tht Rias's parents used that as a pretext for him to be ready if their daughter actually manage to win his heart.

Although he doubt Issei had figured it out. He was still very much the perverted, yet dense boy he was at their first meeting.

He wonders if he should tell Issei that he may also end up in a relationship with Runeas, living the boy's dream. Eh, he supposed it'd be funnier to let Issei find out on his own.

It's not like Kumagawa was opposed to the idea. But it was Sakura's decision, if she wanted to let Runeas in their relationship or not.

For such an violent guy, he was pretty passive. Hanosode even remarked once how his true personality was more akin to a grumpy old man than anything else.

Kumagawa:[I think we should get ready. That Youth Devil Gathering should start soon.]


As per Kumagawa's idea, all of them wore suits. It was an formal event after all, nothing wrong with looking fancy.

Soon the others joined them as they were heading to the meeting. Rias, Sona and their pirrages being already there.

Sakura and Runeas were walking side by side as they approached him. Ah, so it was decided.

Kumagawa:[What this whole thing like anyway, Runeas-chan?]

Runeas:Basically, a bunch of moody tennagers trying to act cordial wven though they'd prefer to be anywhere else than there. Possibly thinking of killing the others too.

Kumagawa:[Oh? Sounds like a meeting between the members of the Flask Plan.]

Kumagawa opened the door and immediatly grabbed both Sakura and Runeas as he moved aside. Right as he did so a body was thrown by at high speed and got stuck in a wall with groans of pain coming from thw victim.

Kumagawa:[Hiw much has this meeting been going on for?]

Runeas:About twenty minutes, I think.

Kumagawa:[I take back what I said. This is nothing like the Flask Plan.]

Asia:Y...Yes. This looks quite chaotic.

Kumagawa:[If this was the Flask Plan, someone would've veen stabbed by now.]


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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