Chapter 5:Have we meet before?

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Freed has got to admit, he was satisfied. It was hard for him to not try to kill all these devils around, but it was all with it for the last night.

He remembers when they got back home Sakura did try to scold his boss only for the smiling man to suddenly gave her a short kiss, turning her in a flustered mess. That was a pro gamer move.

Walking around the house he saw a strand of blonde hair. He knew for sure none of the house's inhabitants, nor the perverted boy that kinda became their pupil, was blonde. He carefuly took out his special blades made by Kumagawa with that overpowered ability of his, which he mentioned wasn't a skill like his All Fiction, for extra precaution and moved to slash them down but stopped when he saw it was only Asia, remembering Sakura promised they'd take her in last night.


Freed:...I forgot about you.


Freed:Nothing important, what are you doing?

Asia:Ah! I was setting up the table. Kumagawa-san said we'll have fruit salad this morning.


Freed jumped on his seat like a enthusiasmed child, completly ignoring the look of confusion Asia was giving him. Not long after all the members of the household settled down at the table.

Asia:This is delicious! I never had something like that at the church!

Kumagawa:[You'd think they'd give important members more from the budget they have.]

Freed:Why were you excomunicated anyway?

Asia:...I healed a devil. But you, Freed-san?

Freed:I was too fabulous for them!

In his opinion it wasn't entirely his fault. They told him to kill devils, he killed. And did they ever think that cloning a exorcist in a facility and going through physically and psychologicaly breaking training everyday with little to no social interaction would set him insane.

A surge of energy just appeared into town. It was felt by all occupants of tge table, except Asia.

Sakura:Another devil came. And it looks to be a powerful one.

Kumagawa:[Well, we can check it out after breakfast.]

Asia:I will come to. If anything happens, I can heal you!

At those determined words Freed let out a "Uhhh", Noro decided to fill his mouth with food, Kumagawa gave a awkard chuckle and Sakura started to sweat. All of them knew the capability of Kumagawa's All Fiction, but didn't really want to tell her.

Freed:Shall you, or should I.

Kumagawa:[It's not exactly healing, so let her be for now.]

Asia wore a confused face, but decided to ignore it and continued to eat. After they were done all of them marched to school and found Issei on the way to ORC.

Issei:Hey, guys! I was going to ORC to thank them for last night.

Kumagawa:[We were going there because a devil came there.]

Issei:Do you think they got in trouble?

Sakura:Well, they're a little incompetent when it comes to oversee the city.

All of them entered without saying another word. They found out the devil was a woman.

Said woman was wearing a traditional maif uniform. She had silver hair and blue eyes. Her name was Grayfia Lucifuge.

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