Chapter 14:Would you name this deja vu?

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Rias had really no time to ponder upon what tge minus and not-equal talked in their speechless conversation as she with her peerage and Freed swiftly vanished together with Hanten. Kumagawa sat down at a chair and turned to the middle of the room.

Kumagawa:[I wonder who's gonna be now?]

Right as he said those words a blue magic circle appeared. The face of the person taht had just teleported in was familiar to the Devil Faction.

The devil was a tanned woman with black eyes behind a pair of red rammed glasses and brown hair. Her name was Katerea Leviathan.

Katerea:Good day to you, leaders of the three factions

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Katerea:Good day to you, leaders of the three factions. We, the Old Satan Faction, had taken upon us to eliminate you.

Serafall:Why would you do that, Katerea-chan?

Katerea:Shut up, Serafall! You should know better than anyone! You, the wicked wench that has taken my rightful place!

Sakura:Misogi, I'm beggining to understand why you're alwais so dissapointed.

Kumagawa:[Oh, is that so?]

Sakura:Yes, the devils of old have been described as immense forces of evil, but...They seem more like cartoonish villains.

Katerea:It seems I have found my first victim!

A magic circle appeared at the tips of Katerea's fingers and a ball of water was shot towards Sakura. However, Sakura crossed her arms in front of her and the limbs became metal-like, withstanding the magical attack.

Katerea switched to physical combat, throwing a fist towards Sakura that was covered by a dark aura. However, Sakura answered in kind and when the two blows meet Sakura's steel fist began to srrongly vibrate shredding skin and flesh of Katerea's fist.

Azazel:Hoh? She sure isn't some pushover!

Michael:An amazing display.

Kumagawa:[Of course, she's my wife.]

Katerea looked down at her wonded hand and scoffed. Soon she brought out a box and opened it. Snakes flew out of the box and tied around Katerea, but they immediatly seemed to be absorbed in her body.

Kumagawa:[Thise snakes...I see, so she's that desperate.]

Azazel:Ah, guess there's no playing around anymore.

Spears of light were shot towards Katerea, making her fly out of the building with her devil wings and Azazel soon followed her with his twelve pair of black wings. Kumagawa noted that the usual fallen angels had light spears of various colors while both Azazel and Kokabiel had a dark hue of golden spears, much closer to how the light spears of angels looked.

Kumagawa:[I see, guess that's a Cadre thing.]

Azazel shot his hand up and golden lightning sparked as more light spears were formed ans shot towards Katerea. However, this time the devil descendant waved her hand and red light flashed estinguishing the spears.

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