Chapter 3:It was all the matter of who saved him first

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The morning has come in the room where Issei has slept in. Looking around he discovered one thing...this is not his room. No way his parents could ever aford things so nice.

Than it hit him like a truck. Yesterday he went on a date. Yesterday his date turned out to be a crazy flying girl hellbent on killing him. Yesterday Sakura protected him from the glowing spear of aformentioned crazy girl. Yesterday Kumagawa saved him from his wannabe killer and was nice enough to let him sleep in this luxurious room.

Now that he thinks about it the two did say something of not allowing his now ex-girlfriend because they were part of some sort of important families. No wonder they're loaded.

Opening the door and coming down the brown haired boy felt a incredible smell filling his nose. Finnaly arriving at the kitchen he saw everyone enjoying pancakes.

Freed:Oh, the sleeping beauty's awake.


Sakura:Good morning, Hyoudou-san.

Kumagawa:[If you don't want pancakes get whatever from the frige. Don't touch the refrigerator, though. There's Noro-chan's special food and I have a felling you wouldn't like it.]

Issei:Uh, like...vegetables?

Kumagawa:[No, meat. Raw meat. A certain raw meat.]


He did settle for pancakes, because who doesn't like pancakes? They were aimply divine.

Issei:Delicious! Sakura-senpai, this is delicious!

Sakura:Actually, Misogi made them.

Issei:Huh, Kumagawa-senpai is good at cooking?

Sakura:I make good tea!...But he makes ot better.

Kumagawa:[There's no need for that Sakura is cute after all.]

Sakura's face has gotten a shade of red while looking at her husband. No one can blame a girl because she's happy to get compliments from her life partner. Especially when that partner is someone as apathetic as Kumagawa.

Freed:Hahaha, look at her all red like that! Praise kink?

Kumagawa:[Maybe, I have enough time to find that out myself later on.]

Sakura:R-Really, you two...!

Issei looked on as the two pale men continued to tease Sakura. From the corner of his eyes he can see a smile from Noro because his mask was pulled up enough to see his face. The boy couldn't help but compare them to a family.

Kumagawa:[Anyway, we're gonna go see the Gremory perrage today.]

Issei:Eh!? By Gremory you mean Rias-senpai!?

Kumagawa:[Yeah, long story short what atacked you Yesterday was a fallen angel. Rias-chan and her entourage are devils that are looking over the city.]

Issei:So the city is theirs!?

Freed:Haha, not in a eternity!


Sakura:The territories of Japan are under the jurisdiction of both the Youkai Faction and Five Principal Clans. Kuoh city was rented fir Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri to look over as a probation for when they will taker over the bussiness of their own clans. As they have made a slip up me and Misogi, as part of the Five Principal Clans, need to intervene and correct her mistake.

Issei looked at the young couple. Laid back as they may seem they are a important part of something much bigger and have their own duties it seems.

He was silent on the waý to the school as the students were staring how he went with a group formed of the school's idol, her husband, a albino and a giant of a man that looked like he was part of some cult. They began to whisper some rather adult theories but a smiling glare from Kumagawa silenced them.

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