Chapter 6:What does kill you makes you even stronger

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The ORC were given a ultimatum. Win the Rating Game or have Rias married off. Of course Riser's perrage was much more experienced and while the only one they can not to be particualary strong was Yubelluna, Riser himself was very strong compared to a lot of high-class devils, so they needed to train.

Kumagawa and his entourage, his wife included, came to help them to actually train. Although Issei had a vague feeling that they only wanted to torture them for negligence of their job as oversees.

While thinking about the circumstances Kumagawa can't stop comparing Riser with Oudo. Of course there were differences like their powers and their own arrogances, he likes to think Riser is cocky while Oudo condenscensing. There's also the fact he thinks Riser wasn't given room to live by himself and was dependent on his family, while Oudo ran away as a kid and did really well on the streets.

Although arrogant, it wasn't without a reason. Riser's regeneration, as well as his pyrokinesis and aerokinesis, was something to be cautious of. He also needs to praise him that, unlike Rias, he isn't overly reliant on his magic to fight and can actually engage in hand to hand combat with a pretty well trained body.

Of course, he only compares him with other devils out there because if he was to compare him with abnormals. While his regeneration is powerful it depends on his reserve of demonic energy and can't heal if he's hit by holy means, which would make his regeneration inferior to the likes of Noro. His control over air and fire is all well, but Najimi governs them...litteraly. And while he has good hand to hand combat skills, he would be easily dispached in that category by him, Medaka, Zenkichi, Shigusa, Najimi, Kudo...alright, pretty much every abnormal.

Looking at the side he saw that Rias and her perrage finnaly arrived by climbing the mountain. Rias looked at her perrage with a determined look.

Rias:Alright guys, first we'll...

Kumagawa:[I'll take it from here.]

Kumagawa pushed Rias to the side while inspecting the joint, the heiress being smart enough to not argue. He formed a plan for each of them.

Kumagawa:[First, Koneko-chan. You have the speed of a elementary kid.]

Koneko:...I feel like you just did a indirect comment about my height.

Kumagawa:[Who knows? Anyway, to improve that...]

A oversized screw drilled itself out of the ground and pierced Koneko through her stomach. Every member of her perrage was gonna jump to help her, but they noticed something. There was no blood.


Kumagawa:[Yeah, these one won't de any actual damage but they will give you the pain like it was dealt. You wouldn't have a reason to dodge them if not.]


Kumagawa:[Yuuto-chan, I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you. You're a glass cannon.]

Yuuto:That is very blunt.

Kumagawa:[You don't have much strenght and your endurance is even worse. So, you'll wear weights...]

Yuuto:Oh, that's not so bad.

Kumagawa:[While Freed-chan jumps around and shoots light bullets at you.]

Freed looked at Yuuto with a sinister grin. The knight audibly gulped while remembering the former prieast's speed and marksmanship skills.

Kiba:...Can we not?

Kumagawa:[Hey, we're gonna also increase your speed like that and you might be able to walk away after getting stabbed.]

Kiba:Fair enough.

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