Chapter 12:Are they trying to buy us now?

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Issei curses the effectivness of devil magic. Because of how fast tgey fixed the building he still needs to go to school. At least they don't have classes per say today.

Today was the "Take your parents to school" day. Some have nicknamed it "Show your parents what prison looks like" day.

He was walking to school together with Asia. Kumagawa made a detour to buy tge new issue of Weekly Shounen Jump and Sakura decided to accompany him, that's why they aren't with them at this very moment. On the way there the two Sacred Gear holders also meet up with Yuuto and Xenovia.

As they walked leisury Issei suddenly shot his arm up. His hand gripped tightly Vali's hand that was close to strike the chestunt's eyes with two fingers.

Issei:Yo, what's the deal?

Vali:Hm, seems like you're not so weak.

Issei:Man, you really want to fight so early in the morning?

Vali:Isn't it natural to want to engage your rival in combat?


Both dragon based Sacred Gears activated at once and the two Dragon Emperors lunged at one another. Issei's ganuntlet continued to increase his abilities while Vali wings sucked power around, leaving the human girl and two reincarnated devils to kneel on the ground. However, both biys have suddenly felt a weight falling on them.

Vali and Issei were now kneeling on the ground with the concret under them breaking from the sheer pressure they were put under. Both of them looked at their right shoulder to see a hand gripping it. They traveled with their gazes up to see that both hands belonged to Kumagawa.

Kumagawa:[Come on, now. We'll have plenty of time for that later.]

He let go and both boys have retracted their Sacred Gears. Vali nodded with a smirk and left without saying anything. Issei turned his dhead to Kumagawa to see Sakura was also there, but she was behind him.

Issei:Ah, will your parents also come?

Sakura:All of our parents are busy, I'm afraid.

Kumagawa:[Especially mine. The attack left them a lot to cover up.]

Sakura:If you ask me, your parents are the real hero here. I mean, just the amount of that paperwork...

Kumagawa:[You tell me. I was in the same situation multiple times.]

They quietly walked to school. When they arrived Sakura pet Kumagawa's shoulder to get his attention. When the minus gave in she pointed to the right where Sirzech was standind with a man by his side.

The man did resemble him quiet a lot. The same red hair and blue eyes, only looking older and having a goat beard. His name was Zeoticus Gremory.

The couple walked to them to see Rias standing with them in embarassment

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The couple walked to them to see Rias standing with them in embarassment. Kumagawa deadpanned at the camera Zeoticus was holding with excitment.

Kumagawa:[So your family is like this.]

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