Chapter 7:What side is he on? The most fun one, of course!

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As Kumagawa's group walked to the upper floors of the stadium they were greeted by different gazes from the devils. The one who got theost disgust was Freed, likely because his former aligment with the church. There were also fearful gazes on Noro because it's not everyday you see such a tall and creepy looking man, although Kumagawa theorized his fellow minus couldn't care less because he thinks about said devils as cattle at most.

Issei and Asia got some greedy gazes, but were stopped by Issei's fiery glare. Alike this situation lustful gazes were directed at Sakura, but were stopped by a Kumagawa who's only destinguishable feature was a big white smile while the rest of him seemed to be composed from darkness.

They fast forwarded to their place. As they arrived a certain former Gremory waved his hand at Kumagawa in greeting.

The man had very long hair fir his gender, of course being red accompanied by blue eyes. His name was Sirzech Lucifer.

To say that Sirzech was cautious of Kumagawa was a understatement

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To say that Sirzech was cautious of Kumagawa was a understatement. After all, he meet the minus when he asked, well more like begged, Najimi for a favor. He first thought of him like a Najimi Junior, which was terrifying in itself.

Most of the supernatural doesn't know about of the existence of abnormals. Najimi, Hanten, Iihiko...those were beings not the the four original Satans or God wanted to cross paths with. And they did all they could to remain that way.

Least to say, they were in the list of the leaders of the three factions of "people you don't mess with". After the meeting with Kumagawa he needed to expand the list. Doesn't help that in that day Kumagawa was in a bad enough mood to stop his act, point in which Sirzech found his gaze more abyss-like and death inducing than Hades's despise the greek god litteraly javing only eye sockets.

Sirzech:It has been a while.

Kumagawa:[We meet wgen I was still in middle school.]

Sirzech:Haha, yeah. You lead the school like a tyrant.

Kumagawa:[I kept that.]

Sirzech:I see. How do you think it'd go?

Kumagawa:[It depends on Riser-chan. They'll be able to dispatch his perrage, but he'll be a tough cookie.]

Freed:Eh, is this the reunion of midgets?

The group looked to see the first battle began in the gymnasium of the replicated Kuoh Academy. Koneko was standing agains two petite girls with chainsaws and a tall girl that Kumagawa felt like she's a reference to Chun-li.

His suspicions intensified when he saw her fighting style is mainly composed of kicking. While Koneko might have troubles by herself if they battled before, her constant running from screws helped by a land mass.

Dodging yet another flying kick from the chinese girl Koneko stepped back and took the oportunity of tge two other girls, who were twins by the look of it, atacking her. She caught their wrists and forced their hands in such a way taht the chainsaws colided, blinding them from sparks. The nekoshu gave a fast kick to the joined chainsaws, breaking them and making then crash into the chinese girl, thus getting then out of the game.

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