Chapter 2:My husband is a total troll!

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Sakura did aspire to be a proper wife. As a proper wife she was making tea for her husband and his two companions...which could be not what a proper wife truly does, but tge only refereance she has is her mother and various animes abd mangas. She works with what she has.

They have moved to Kuoh for a couple of months now and have become quiet accustomed to it. The home they lived in was quiet spacious and luxurious with rooms for each inhabitant, a perk of being part of the Five Principal Clans is that you'll automaticaly be pretty loaded. In this time she got to know better all three boys.

Her husband was quiet childish at first sight, but he was also very calm and the point where he's a bordeline psychopath. No, really, his ability to read people is frightening. So much so that he figured the devils out and their own personalities to a thee in the first five minutes they've set foot in the school. Opening a chocolate bar abd eating it in front of the short one. Talking with her about marriage when the Gremory heir was close. Slipping crosses in the blonde knight's desk. Repetadly beating the student council president in chess. Talking at the phone with his father when the exiled Himejima passed by. In short, he didn't miss a oportunity to mess with them.

Freed is...not what you'd expect from a priest. He does dislike the devils, but more than hating them because of being opposites to the heavenly beings the church worships he just seems to find them annoying and thinks of killing them as more of a game. He does show a perveeted side, not that he ever even flirted with her, but unlike the boys from school he doesn't just talk about tge girls and their bodies, while he shows sexual interes in girls he just doesn't found anyone interesting enough, like her husband does. Despise his maniacal inclination to killing he spends most of the days lazing around, reading manga or playing videoganes with Kumagawa and Noro. While his language is vulgar, he shows complete respect and loyalty to her husband.

Than there's Noro, from the first time they meet she hasn't heard the masked man talks even once. If Freed is loyal than Noro's devoted, he follows Kumagawa anywhere and acts as his guard following his orders without question. When she asked about it her husband said he was a precious camarade, while Freed said he was the house pet. At that moment she did say that him standing tall behind Kumagawa does give the impression of a guard dog, at which her husband said now he has another paraller with Medaka and everything he's lacking now is a sibling obsessed with him nad another that run away to cultivate their talents through misery.

She has no idea who Medaka is but she sounds like quiet something. Kumagawa said she was the one person he considered his rival to this very day, which was surprising counting his usual apathy towards people.

Sakura:The tea's ready!

Kumagawa:[Thank you, Sakura!]

Kumagawa did began adressing her without a suffix. They got close in the meantime and he thought is they were married anyway he might as well.

Each member of the house sat on tatamis and began sipping their tea. Sakura note how, as alwais, Noro just moved his mask enough for his mouth to be seen to drink. Not has not spoken yet, he didn't even take his mask off.

Freed:That's right, you won't believe what I heard today!

Sakura:What happened for you to be in such a jolly mood?

Freed:The big perv! He's got a date!

Kumagawa:[...Blackmail? Is this turning into a hentai?]

Freed:Oh, but you haven't heard the big news yet. His date is a fallen angel!

Sakura and Kumagawa looked at each other and nodded. This is clearly a assasination attempt. As part of the Five Principal Clans they'll need to do something about it.

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