Bakugou's POV-
After searching nearly everywhere, I finally find Ellowyn. I message the group chat to let them know that they can stop looking as I approach her. Once I'm only a few steps away, I call her name. She doesn't respond.I gently tap her on the shoulder only to feel pain shoot through my entire body. My vision goes black and when I'm finally able to open my eyes again a few seconds later, I notice that I've fallen on my ass. Cherry is kneeling next to me. She's panicking as she analyzes me for any severe harm.. "I'm sorry, Katsuki. I couldn't stop it. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"
"Yes, it's fine. You really knocked me on my ass though." I respond with a chuckle. "Are you okay?"
"Why are you asking me?"
"You ran off after your training session. No one knew where you were."
"Oh, right. I'm okay. I just needed a break."
"That's okay. You did great." I reach out to hold her hand so that I can try to comfort her but she pulls her hand up to her chest before I reach it.
I feel like I've been stabbed in the chest when I look up into her frightened eyes. "I'm sorry. I think something's wrong with me. I'm going back to the dorms. Talk to you later." She stands up and quickly walks away from me.
Ellowyn's POV-
I avoid touching Katsuki for the rest of the day. The next day, I'm barely able to even look at him. I couldn't sleep last night. I can't believe I hurt him. I didn't even know I was using my quirk. I'm so out of control. What is wrong with me?The memory of speaking with Best Jeanist hits me all at once: "You lose control when you are afraid." I've been more and more afraid these past few days.
When we walk back to the dorms, Katsuki tries to ask me what's wrong, but I refuse to answer. Once we are back, I run to my room and lock myself inside. I feel a bit more comfortable just texting Katsuki, but I still avoid talking about my weird mood. It frightens me that I was so easily able to hurt him during even such a small breakdown. What happens when I'm even more afraid and he tries to help me? My quirk is capable of doing so much more damage. If I was too panicked, I could-
No. Even thinking of that happening to Katsuki makes me feel like my heart is being crushed. And if it were my fault? I would rather die.
The thought plagues my mind all through out the night, keeping me from sleep yet again.
Bakugou's POV-
"It's just so unlike her. Usually she's more touchy than I am. She's always holding my hand or leaning on me or fiddling with my fingers, especially ever since we fought Kaneko during our work study, but she's been avoiding any physical contact since yesterday." I explain to Shitty Hair as we pull out our math homework."Have you asked her why?"
"Of course I have! She won't talk to me about it. She keeps changing the topic or walking away. But it only started after she accidentally activated her quirk when I touched her."
He pats me on the back sympathetically. "Sorry Bakubro."
"Yeah, whatever, Shitty Hair. What the fuck do I do?"
"You don't really have choice, dude. You're gonna have to wait for her to come to you to talk. It seems like she needs time."
After a brief moment of thinking his advice over, I nod. "You're probably right. I shouldn't push it."
He smirks and says, "Yup, I'm always."
I resist the urge to punch him. "Whatever. We'll see if that statement holds up once we're done with this work."
Ellowyn's POV-
I throw my pillow at the wall in frustration. I'm already having trouble sleeping and now I can hear Todoroki and Midoriya having sex across the hall. I can't listen to it any longer. Before I can change my mind, I pick up my phone and text Katsuki.Can I please come sleep in your room? Todo and Deku again.
He quickly messages back, Sure.
I've had to do this quite a few times now that Todo and Deku are regularly doing the dirty, but I've been avoiding Katsuki for days now, so it's incredibly awkward. Nonetheless, I'm here.
Katsuki smiles sleepily as he opens the door and I melt. "Hey, Cherry."
I nervously follow him into his room as he shuts the door behind me. "Hey, Katsu."
He climbs back into his bed as he quietly asks, "Having a hard time dealing with your neighbors fucking?"
I chuckle as I sit down next to him. "Yeah. I swear, if I hear the word- no, wait, that's too personal."
He turns towards me with a grin. "Tell me."
"Nope. Invasion of privacy."
"Oh come on! They're doing it in a dorm they share with their entire fucking class! Plus, don't you need to vent? They deserve it for putting you through that shit."
I roll my eyes at his ridiculousness. "Katsu-"
"I promise I can keep a secret...unless I'm making fun of them."
I meet his gaze and he's practically giving me puppy eyes. "Fine. I give up. You win. Happy?" He nods enthusiastically and I have to suppress any other sarcastic comments. "I was going to say, if I hear the word 'daddy' come out of Shoto Todoroki's mouth one more time, I might kill him."
Katsuki looks absolutely stunned for a few moments before he finally breaks down laughing. "Of course! Of course the motherfuckers have a daddy kink! Why am I even fucking surprised. They both have daddy issues so it should've been obvious."
I laugh along with him before saying, "Katsuki, we really shouldn't shame them."
"Why the fuck not?"
"I mean, I'm sure there's stuff one of us is into that some people would shame."
He grins michieviously as he moves closer to me and quietly asks, "Really? What kind of 'stuff,' love?"
The memory of the wet dream I had the other night enters my mind as I struggle to form a coherent answer. Apparently I'm into dominating based on some of the things I remember saying, but I'm not sure I want to talk about it right now. Eventually I settle on telling him, "I'm not sure yet. You?"
I can tell that he's flustered by the way he avoids my gaze, even though it's too dark to tell if he's blushing. "I don't know. We should find out some time."
His flirting catches me off guard. I quickly try to change the subject by saying, "Another time. For now, why don't we get some sleep?"
He nods and reaches his arm out to pull me into him before freezing. He's given up on touching me for now, which is something I've been quite grateful for. I don't want to hurt him.
I stand up and he immediately asks, "Where are you going?"
"Your chair?"
"No fucking way. Over my dead fucking body. If you feel uncomfortable sleeping in bed with me, then I'll sleep in the chair."
"No, I'm not uncomfortable." I protest as he stands up.
"Then why?"
"I was just worried you were, since I've been acting weird."
He shakes his head before saying, "Cherry, I'm fine. Go to bed. Get some sleep so we can get up early and go get some coffee."
I smile as he tries to subtly set up a coffee date. "Okay."
I lay down next to him, and even though I'm not touching him, I fall asleep within minutes.

Dancing Shadows
ФанфикEllowyn Sallow was just looking for a fresh start at a new school, far way from her old home. Katsuki Bakugou had one goal and one goal only; become the best hero the world's ever known. But life doesn't always care about that. Sometimes it just has...