Chapter Forty-Three

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Ellowyn's POV-
   Katsuki and I don't spend much time at the house the next day. Instead, we decide to head back to the dorms and spend the day in his room together, working on homework and watching movies until we eventually fall asleep in his bed together.

   It's late at night when I wake up to the sound of Katsuki making noises in his sleep. At first, I'm concerned he may be having nightmare, but I quickly realize that's not the case. When I begin to actually pay attention, I realize he's making good noises. Very good noises.

   I feel a shiver run down my spine as I begin to put the pieces together. He's having a wet dream. Even though I would love to keep watching him rub himself again his bed, it feels wrong. I begin to get out of bed so I can come back later but then I freeze in my tracks when he moans out my name.

   I quickly hop back into bed so I can shake him awake. As he opens his eyes, I can already see the desperation mixed in with the confusion clouding his mind. "Cherry?"

   "Hey Katsu. Sorry for waking you up. You were talking in your sleep."

   I watch as his expression quickly switches to one of horrified realization. Somehow he keeps calm as he says, "It's okay. Thank you."

   "Yeah, of course. Do you remember what you were dreaming about?"

   He quickly avoids making eye contact with me as he lies. "No, I don't."

   "Oh, okay. Sorry, I'm just trying to help. It sounded like you might need some."

   "What? Why?" He asks defensively.

   I feel like I should be nervous as I begin to tease him in such a lewd way, but all I feel is excitement as I sit down facing him and rest my hand on his thigh. "Well, you were moaning my name. I thought you might need me."

   Even in the dark I can tell that he's blushing harder than I've ever seen before. I can't resist a smirk as he says, "Thanks but I'm okay. I think I'm just going to go take a shower. You can lay back down. I'm sorry I woke you up."

   I slide my hand further up his thigh and watch with delight as he shivers. "Don't you want to tell me about your dream first? I bet it was so interesting."

   "My dream? Oh, right. It was nothing. Very very boring."

   "Hmm. What's that then?" I ask innocently as I point to the obvious boner that's now clearly visible through his sweatpants.

   "I- um- fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

   "It's okay. It's very sweet of you to try and deal with it by yourself in the shower but how am I supposed to resist when you're asking me for help?"

   "Wait, what?"

   "Why don't you tell me about that dream?"

   "Um, I kinda forget. I mean-"

   I carefully inch my hand up his leg closer and closer to his dick until I'm just beside it as I say, "Come on, try to remember. I'm so curious."

   "I can't-"

   I quickly pull my hands away as I tell him, "Well, I don't think I can help you then. Sorry, Katsuki. Enjoy your shower."

   "W-wait!" He says, his hips moving upwards on their own. "That one's way too fucking much. I'll tell you about a different one but not that one."

   I consider it for a moment, but decide against it. "No. I want to know everything."

   "Cherry, come on."

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