Ellowyn's POV-
The next two weeks pass by as uneventful as they can when you are a hero student. I continue to eat lunch with the 'squad,' I pass my start-of-year exams with all A's, and I finally finish the book series I've been reading since school started. Bakugou and I have been working with Midoriya to see how I can use the shadow tornado I can make as an ultimate move, which Bakugou is going to have me test out at our next training session. Hagakure helped me design a hero costume. Todo and I are even hanging out again, which is nice, and I've hung out with the entire class a lot as well. It's weird how much more accepted I feel by all these other hero students than most of the students from my old school. When Friday of the second week comes, Aizawa has an announcement to make. "We are going to an off-campus facility called the QTC."Midoriya jumps up in his seat. "That's the Quirk Toning Center! Professionals from all over Japan come together to pair each and every hero-in-training with someone with a quirk that is completely opposite of theirs and then have them face-off so that the hero gets the best training possible! All the best heroes have gone there to get their quirks trained."
"Thank you, Midoriya," Aizawa says. "Anyways, everyone put on your hero costumes, and let's head out. Iida, make sure everyone gets on the bus please."
The facility is half an hour away, so the entire class is obviously talking the whole way there. "Hey, Ellowyn," Mineta says, startling me out of my thoughts. "That hero costume looks really good on you." Is he drooling? "It makes your boobs look even better than usual." I cringe.
Jiro hits him. "Be respectful and sit down, you jerk!"
Yaoyorozu turns towards me. "You do look lovely though."
I smile lightly. "Thank you." The costume is a skin-tight black suit with a short black skirt that has light blue and green accents. I was also given some boots that match the costume to wear. To top it all off, I just put my hair in a braided bun so that it would stay out of my face and switched out my glasses for my contacts. When Hagakure made this costume, she decided to make the material as thin and light as possible so that teleporting and moving around would be easier and she made me steel boots so that fighting and jumping around would be easier as well, but she wanted to add some style to it. I didn't know how to feel about the skirt and the colors at first, but I actually like it a lot.
"Oh, Ellowyn, when did you get your hero license since you weren't in hero school last year?" Kaminari asks.
"I got it during the summer. I had to train really hard but I got lucky enough to be able to take the test and pass in time to apply to U.A. for my second year."
"That's amazing! Your quirk must be crazy powerful!" Midoriya comments. "It must have been a lot of hard work as well."
"It was, but we have all had to work hard to get to this point. I just had a bit of catching up to do."
We continue to talk for the rest of the ride until we reach the facility. It's just our class here today, so we are immediately interviewed on further details about our quirks when we get inside. Then, we are split up and are taken to different corridors within the maze of a building. Each corridor has two rooms on each side of the hallway and one at the end. Bakugou, Todoroki, Aoyama, Kaminari, and I are taken to one corridor while the rest of our class goes in different directions. Once we reach the corridor, we are instructed to go into each of our different rooms. "Good luck, guys!" Kaminari says before we all step inside.
When I step into my room, I'm greeted by a room so bright that it looks like the sun. I look across the room to see someone walking towards me. Then the power suddenly goes out, leaving the room in complete darkness. That doesn't make any sense, of course, because that means that I will have an easy win. Something's going on here. I can sense someone moving around in the shadows around me, so I try to focus on where the person in the room has gone when I realize that they are reaching for me from only a few feet behind me. I turn around and kick the person in the stomach. As they go flying across the room and hit the wall hard enough to knock them out, I silently thank Hatsume for her genius boots.

Dancing Shadows
FanfictionEllowyn Sallow was just looking for a fresh start at a new school, far way from her old home. Katsuki Bakugou had one goal and one goal only; become the best hero the world's ever known. But life doesn't always care about that. Sometimes it just has...