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(I haven't edited chapter one so please 😭 I saw so many "Ny" which is suppose to be "My"😭😭)


"It's my first time to see two beautiful best friends" Yena hyung said making me look at the two in front of our table, my eyes instantly landed on a girl that looks like a fox yet also like a cute frog... she also looked at me, her eyes are just beautiful, tempting and mesmerizing.

My eyes then switched to Yena hyung already talking to the other gurl and left afterwards, this girl then looked at her back groaning after when she saw her friend already gone. I walked my way beside her and sat where her friend was seating.

She sighs "Aish if Yuri gets pregnant, I swear I'll kick her ass—" She looked at me "Ah!" She screams, I giggled secretly "Sorry... I didn't mean to scare you." She placed her hand on top of her chest and nods.

"My friend took your friend, he's a good guy I promise." She nodded once again. I stared at her for a moment "You're beautiful" I said while J trail my eyes from her eyes to her noce to her lips to her chest to her waist and at her fingers

"Thanks" She smiles,

"Will you marry me and I'll court you forever." Her eyes widen as she remained silent, I took the diamond ring that's supposed to be for someone but... nevermind. Slipping the ring on her ring finger she still remained silent with her eyes still wide open "Wait—" I smiled... Supposed to be, please heal me. I left wanting to cry something off whiile I took my phone and dialed someone.

"Kim Minjoo." I received a hum and ended the call.

"Sir..." Ji-hook came in my office even though it's 12 midnight, handing me a folder. "Thank you hook, You may take your leave and rest", He bows and left my office.

I opened the folder to see a beautiful girl's face "Kim Minjoo" I mumbled reading the information Ji-hook could find "A baker at ***** Café, little sister of Kim Hyewon, Parents are Kim Tzuyu and Kim Sana— Originally Chou Tzuyu and Minatozaki Sana but are using their Korean Surname, so that makes her a Chou..." I nodded liking her family background

"Hwang Hyunjin is her ex... reason, he cheated.... Geez, Kim Chaewon—biy best friend?! I have to be careful over that dude, Jo Yuri— Best friend... so that's the other girl earlier. She graduated in Seoul National University with the degree of culinary, she didn't inherit any office work in her family yet her father wants to pass it on her. She wanna own her own bakery and restaurant," I smirked

"She's actually popular over her beautiful face, even covered beauty brands, forced yet she likes it... interesting, Mbti : Infj— pretty rare... I hope we get along well." I closed the folder when the picture on my desk took my attention, my heart ached grabbing the picture frame and throwing it on the floor making it shatter.

I clenched my jaw standing up "Fuck you" I angrily said as I made my way out of my office and building, Iw ent home... once I opened the door my father slapped me hard leaving me stiff on my position.

"Goddamn Wonyoung! What happened between you two?!" I remained silent as he slapped me once again, my mom saw and quickly took me away from dad, a tear left my eyes "She never loved me dad," His angry eyes turned to a confused one "I thought she does... but what did I find out the day I'm about to propose?" I paused chuckling fakely feeling my chest heavy

"With another man making out in a car!" I chocked in my saliva "I was a fool dad, she used me.... she used me for money" I left their sight and went in my room and cried.

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