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"What are you doing?" I asked trying to keep my temper. He smiles "Visiting your family...?" He spoke while his smile not going away, I frowned finding him pretty weird and suspicious.

Oh hooo... everytime my friends talk about this guy, they say he's dangerous and not the same behind doors, some of his staff describing him as mysterious and would always be alone. He won't even go to meetings and handle it on his own. He would ask for the report and he'll do it on his own.

They also fear him by how if someone messed up with him in just a few days those people would suddenly disappear or worse... dead. A lot sued him but of course he won because of lack of evidence... after the eighth time of this, no one ever tried to partner or mess with him ever again.

J.W. Lable rarely has partnerships or collaboration, but it would be mostly designer clothing brands or lable... he was asked to model by his godly features and fit body of his. I never paid attention to my friend's blabbers about him but I guess I did...

I sighed " Look... I don't want to be part of whatever you want..." It was his turn to frown, shaking his head "I mean it... everything I said earlier and last night in the bar." He stated not even a hint of lying in his words making me flustered.

"Marry me and I'll court you forever." He softly spoke taking a step and giving me a hug "It may sound crazy but I've always been crazy... so please" His breath fanning through my ears sending shivers down my spine while I stood there feeling his arms around my shoulder and his warm torso touching my body.

"I'll do everything... I don't care if you like someone else... what matters is I'm here, loving you with all my heart." I was alll silent, don't know what to say or do. Is he serious? How did he like—love me?

He pulled the hug away "Uh... let's go out?" He asks like a kid wanting something in the mall "Where to?" His eyes were screaming happily

"Anywhere you like...?" I don't get it... he's completely different from what they explained to me and why the hell am I suddenly nice and soft to him?! "Just bring me to the cafe I work at, I still have work" I was about to go up to take a bath when he held my arm stopping me from going anywhere, I looked at him and he's suddenly upset? Angry? Mad? What?

"No, you're going out with me." He let go of my hand "I'm calling that cafe and ask you out" He then turned his back on me and started dialing the cafe... no no no, they'll think he's another hook up! I grabbed his arm turning him around and kissed him on the cheek making him stop his actions.

I heard a camera snapping making me look at the direction where the flash and snap was and saw mom and dad giggling besides Hyewon oppa who's holding the camera "Oh! sorry sorry please continue... lock the door when you two are leaving okay?" mom stated while dad and oppa were walking away giggling that's looking at the camera.

I groaned grabbing Wonyoung's hand dragging him up to my room "Alright what's your deal? Whyme suddenly?" He sat on my bed looking around not listening to me "Hey!" He looked at me.

"I told you... I'm crazy." He uttered, I looked at him in disbelief "They say I'm dangerous... don't believe them." He took his blazer off hanging it on my chair, his muscles visible in his polo, I can't help but looks at his nice body.

"Now what was the kiss for?" My cheeks turned red as he let out a sly smirk "S-Shut up! Wait here" I quickly went in my bathroom slamming the door when I heard his deep chuckle giving me chills... I took a deep breath and took a shower.


I went out of the bathroom seeing him looking at my pictures around my room closely, it'sike he's about to kiss it! I cleared my throat and got his attention "That's creepy... now come on, take me wherever you want and whatever your plan is" I gave in since he's someone who doesn't give a fuck.

"Really?!" I seriously don't understand what he's actually feeling this day, does he have bipolar or something? I nodded and sighed... his face then had the expression of worried and sorry?

"Sorry... I—You don't need to force yourself," I suddenly felt guilty "No!No! It's fine... I mean it" He smiles once again... he's not bad after all.


This day was nice... he treated me like I'm a princess, he would ask me what I like and he would get it, I said don't spoil me but he's stubborn... he makes money, "Live with me." His last words echoes in my head, he left earlier and said that.

I took a deep breath before opening my door "Yes mom?" She snickers "I heard Wonyoung's asking you to live with him..." I nod "I mean we know you wanna leave this house, why not accept his offer?" I shook my head

"Mom..." I paused thinking if I should tell her what really happened "Nevermind... I'll think of it mom." She nods giving me a hug before leaving my room. It would be nice leaving and live my life on my own, but I can't just leave mom and dad behind... oppa would leave in a few months, he's also planning on proposing to Eunbi unnie.

I then received a message, I opened it reading the text getting sudden goosebumps "How the hell did he get my number?"

Goodnight... my soon to be Mrs. Jang🤍

My heart skipping a beat replying a Goodnight too.

I unknowingly smiled looking at the bracelet and ring he bought for me earlier, the bracelet has "M" while the ring has "W". I don't get it... is he that crazy to fall in love with me instantly?

I again received a message, I read it... "You've got to be kidding me..." I then left the house as quick as possible not even getting a jacket with me.


"No" I mumbled jumping off and leaving this place quickly and following this certain person, she suddenly stopped near the park... her eyes staring in pain...

I looked over to see... her ex, with another girl... being lover and dovey... disgus.ting. "I thought it was 'that' serious... it was not" She mutters her hands forming a fist, knuckles turning white and was about to approach the not so serious injured dude.

I saw him approaching her too... I clenched my jaw grabbing her shoulder turning her around and hugging her, I looked at the dude and his face immediately went down... frowning at me and me giving him a death glare.

"Don't... he's not important... it'll hurt more," in just a matter of seconds, I can hear her sobbing on my chest clenching on my shirt "He's not worth it" I hugged her tightly glaring at Hyunjin once again.

"Sh shh... I'm here." Her sobs continues while I carried her to her home.


"I'll pick you up tomorrow okay?" I gently placed her down letting her wear my jacket... she nods about to go inside but she looked at me leaning in... placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you..." She smiles softly and slowly walks away going in the house... giving me one last look and nods before closing the door.

I smiled, feeling this unfamiliar feeling on my stomach, leaving the place and going home...


How long was I gone? Sorry about that, school's nearly done and I have a lot to finish yet... but anyways, make sure to stay safe🤍.

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