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"Are you sure we'll come back here?" Minjoo asks Wonyoung after what Wonyoung told her.

"Yes love, I felt like it's much better to stay here rather than letting our kids grow up in a foreign country." Wonyoung explained and tried to stand up but stopped by Minjoo.

"Don't stand up yet, you still can't walk!" Minjoo nags Wonyoung and continues to talk.

"Okay then, but mom and dad just went there?" Minjoo says.

"We'll be there for a few months and come back here..." Wonyoung says

"Mom and dad sold their house remember?"

"Yeah I know that.." Minjoo raised her eyebrows at Wonyoung

"Because I bought it." Wonyoung continues.

Minjoo hits Wonyoung's shoulder and proceeds to nag him.

"What the heck Wonyoung-ah... my parents probably thinks they can't have it back." Minjoo sulks because that house was already theirs since her family was just starting.

"Don't worry love, I promise you I've put it under their name..."

They continue to talk while on the other hand Wonyoung's dad is watching them outside the room. He wants to talk to Wonyoung and apologize but he feels like if he shows up it'll trigger Wonyoung more.

He never knew Wonyoung was actually telling the truth and that what triggered his mental state was how he was blamed for since he was just 5 years old.

He sighs and decided to leave.

"How about your parents Won?" Minjoo asks since she knows that Wonyoung's probably felt betrayed by them.

"I... I don't know." Wonyoung says and sighs, looking out the window.

Minjoo watched his face saddened. She went beside him and hugs him... she looks at him and smiles, kissing his cheek and another cheek and his forehead, everywhere on Wonyoung's face making him giggle.

"What ever you think about them, I'll understand you and I'll always be here not just as your girlfriend or your fiancé but as your forever soulmate and lover." Her voice was soothing. No matter how happy Wonyoung is feeling right now, he can't help but feel overwhelmed.

His lips quivers trying to supress his emotions to come out. But he can't and cried.

He only cries in front of Minjoo and his mother. He's the complete opposite of how people think of him as a monster or too proud of himself.

"What's wrong?" Minjoo asks wiping the tears off Wonyoung's face. Wonyoung shook his head and tried to smile but miserably failed.

"I–I'm just disappointed at t–them.." Wonyoung whispers with a shaking voice. Minjoo smiles and kissed him dearly.

"I know you are my love... so don't think about them if it saddens you, face them when you can." She held his hands and squeezed it for assurance.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They both smiled and shared another kiss not thinking about there surroundings.

Their friends watched in the small window on the door outside the ward and awes at the sight. Yena never saw Wonyoung cried before. Yuri never saw Minjoo that caring before.

"Oh how I wish Chaeyeon, Sakura, Nako and Hitomi see this! It's so lovely and dearly." Yuri says since Chaeyeon and Sakura couldn't come due to handling their café and Nako and Hitomi currently at their home country at the moment.

"I never knew Wonyoung who I saw as tough and never cried be like this... never have I ever neither do Yujin saw him like that to his lover. His ex never treated him like this before." Yena  blabbers and smiled at the sight.

"Should we knock or let them be for a while?" Yuri asks Yena since they wanted to pay a visit on the two after knowing what happened to Wonyoung.

"Let them be... let's come back later." Yena says and held Yuri's hands as they walk away.


"Hyung-ah! Don't ever scare us like that ever again! Oh and Hi noona welcome back!" Wonyoung chuckles after Janyoung greeting him like this after coming back to Hawaii.

"Nice to see you too Young." Wonyoung hugs him and messed with his hair making Janyoung whine.

"Oh thank God you're fine now son." Tzuyu greets Wonyoung and Minjoo.

Wonyoung and Minjoo just came back from SoKor... The two has to stay their for 2 weeks since Wonyoung needs to gain strength before getting discharged by the hospital. Minjoo helped him gain his strength back and made sure he stays healthy.

"How are you my dear?" Sana asks Wonyoung and guides them inside the house where the couple went straight to the babies' cribs.

"I'm fine mom... already strong!" Wonyoung says as he carries Jr. up while Minjoo carries Vicky.

"Oh how I missed you two!" Wonyoung exclaims excitedly and baby talks them.

"Ohh do you miss me hm? Oh how my Vicki Jr. looks handsome despite looking like is mom huh?" The baby looks at Eonyoung intently while Wonyoung kept talking to Vicki Jr. even though Jr. can't understand. He just missed his kids.

"Hi babyy~" Wonyoung then focused on Vicky who's in her mother's arms. "Do you miss me too hmm??? I miss youu too so muchhh!" He pinched Vicky's cheeks and kisses the baby's nose.

Minjoo smiled at how Wonyoung is treating their kids. She's proud at how despite Wonyoung is not mentally stable, he still knows how to care and be sane. She's happy that she had helped Wonyoung from his fears and traumas.

"Omo omo what a family sight!" Sana takes a picture of the two just having fun talking to their kids after not seeing them for a while.

"That's my brother.." Janyoung smiled at the sight as he reminisces when Wonyoung treats him like that when they were younger.He may be three that time but he still remembers it.


"Do you, Jang Wonyoung, take Kim Minjoo as your beloved wife?"

"Yes father, I do." Wonyoung in an all white suit says while looking at Minjoo who looks stunning in her white wedding gown.

"And do you, Kim Minjoo, take Jang Wonyoung as your beloved husband?" The minister smiles.

"Yes father.. I do." Minjoo says full heartedly and never let her eyes off Wonyoung who looks very husband in that all white suit.

"And that, I call you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The minister signals.

Wonyoung couldn't keep his self any more as he put Minjoo's veil out of the way and pulled her in for a deep passionate kiss.

Once their lips touched many shouted and clapped as a sign of congratulating rhe newly wed couple.

The two didn't care about their surroundings and didn't stop for a tat bit while making the crowd go crazy.

"Get a room!" Some screams and some laughs at how the newly weds couldn't keep themselves together.

They finally pulled out and Minjoo's face was blushing from shyness and from what she felt by how Wonyoung want her right now, in front if people.

Wonyoung winked and quickly carried Minjoo out the church, walking at the res carped everyone threw white roses at them and followed the newly wed couple.

Welp, I'm in the mood to update so hey, here y'all go. Stay safe guys.


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