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It's been days... and he's killing me slowly with that masculine body of his! I... I didn't know okay?! He's so hot! What?! Oh God Min you're better than this.

"Min!!" I shook my head stopping my thoughts about his body "Y-Yeah?" Sakura rolls her eyes "We're out of donuts and... someone's finding you... say he's you're "fiancé"" She did the quote gesture when she said Fiancé making me widen my eyes in shock and quickly removed my apron and went out seeing him in his usual suit.

"Hey! Lov–" I covered his mouth "Shh–Shh–Shush!" I looked around seeing Chaeyeon oppa looking at us weirdly, I smiled awkwardly and dragged Wonyoung with me in the comfort room.

"What are you doing here?!" He shrugged his shoulder "I wanna watch you work..." He gave me those puppy eyes making me distracted but shook it off "Look... they'll suspect me and they'll annoy me why the "Great Jang Wonyoung" is with me" I mimicked the quoted words, earning a chuckle from him and smirks pinning me on the wall gently.

"I see nothing wrong with that... Mrs. Jang." I blushed, WTHHHHH "N-No... Not like that... they'll think diff...erently..." He stared at me blanky... blinking twice before replying "What about Ms.Jo?" He chuckles again


"Sh Sh... my friend's taking care of her." He smiles and let me go "Don't worry about your friends... I'm just gonna watch... or do you want me to help?" I smiled and nodded


"Woahhh... I don't know kneading dough's are fun!" He shouts, laughing "Wait... what are these for?" He stops playing with the dough and look at the bottle of medicine on the side

"Oh that? That's just my meds... I get sick easily so I always have that around... mostly here in the cafe" He nods and checked the dough "Is this good now?" He asks, wiping his face, getting flour all over his face, I kaughed cupping his face and lightly pats his face to remove the flour.

I stopped... seeing him only staring at me, just letting me clean his face. I stared back... feeling hypnotized but looked away and slapped his face a little harder making him snap out of jt

"Hey!" He complains, touching his cheek while I laughed and took the dough from his hands "Here... grab one of these and just do this after flatting the dough" He follows and does what I did when I got a call from Sakura

"Min! Someone's finding you... again!" She cheerfully calls me this time "Wait... let me check that okay?" He nods still concentrating on shaping the dough... cute. I went out and saw...

"Chaewon oppa!!" He smiles opening his arms to me nd I quickly went and hug him tightly "How was Japan?! How was Paris?! How was Italy?!" I asked continuously making him giggle

"Hey now... it's all great okay? How are you? Have you been well?" He asks softly and I nod "I got uou a gift..." He said which made me excited


"Chaewon oppa!" My ears instantly perked up and opened up when I heard her eclaim that certain name which made me hurt my hand and bleed "Ahhh! Shit, shit, shit" I started to panic and get flashbacks seeing my hand bleed... I held my hand shakingly and doesn't know what to do when one of her friend comes in and saw my hand.

"Oh God, are you okay?!" He asks checking my hand "Y-Yeah just got cut by those shape thingy"
He sighs and walks out the room "Aish... I told her to get that things away and get new and safer ones" His words was fading out and fades in again now back carrying a first aid kit.

Mrs.JangWhere stories live. Discover now