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With a broad grin on your face, you turned around and met Alex's eyes.

"No fucking way!", you gave him a gentle bump to the chest. "You're in too?"

Laughing, he grabbed you by the shoulders and pulled you into one of his heartwarming, comforting hugs.

Family wasn't really a thing you liked to talk about, with your mother being dead and your father slowly but surely drifting into the last stage of Alzheimer's Syndrom. Your two younger siblings were both failures, one an ungrateful little bitch and the other a raging criminal.

Only your older sister was decent but she had made a life of her own and there was nothing that the two of you connected so the contact was basically nonexistent.

But some people you had been working with had gotten under your skin.

Your feelings for Alex Mason for example were the closest to the love for a brother you've had ever felt. His calm yet loving nature had made you feel like someone was there that you could always turn and talk to.

"I see you still look messy and have a huge mouth as always.", he grinned and gave you a playful push. "Man and here I was thinking the years had made you calmer."

You laughed.

"Not a chance."

"Unfortunately.", he shook his head. "But I'm glad you're well."

A huff escaped you.

"You sound like you were worried that I wasn't."

His expression changed. Now he looked like a beaten puppy who felt guilty. Unsure, he rubbed the back of his neck. The tip of his foot rubbed over the ground.

His eyes jumped to Park.

She immediately raised her hands in defence and shook her head.

"I'll leave you two then.", she said and patted your shoulder as a goodbye.

You gifted her a smile, but it died right away as you turned to Mason again.

"You're not in any trouble, are you?", you asked and stepped closer so that nobody would listen.

"Oh no, I'm fine. Really. Thanks for asking thought.", he shook his head and let out a sigh. "It's just... the thing... a few years back. I- I didn't hear anything from you ever since. And I was wondering if you were okay."

Immediately, something inside your chest pulled together. An annoyed sigh escaped you.

You knew exactly what he was referring to. But this moment wasn't the right time nor the right place. You didn't want to be reminded again. At best, it would be buried and nobody ever spoke of it again.

But Alex wasn't willing to let it go so easily. Of course, he never did. He always worried about the things that made people upset. And he wanted to make sure you were over it.

In a way, this was exactly what you needed. But not something that you wanted.

"Listen, Mason...", you said in a calm voice and closed your eyes. "Can we just... forget about it? I'm really not in the mood for it."

"Yeah, I can tell. But I just need to make sure you're over it, okay? Just for my own peace.", he smiled nervously. "So? How have you been?"

You pulled a face and grabbed him by the sleeve to drag him into a corner so that absolutely nobody was trying to spy on the conversation.

"Look, how the fuck was I supposed to feel?", you asked with a sarcastic huff and shrugged. "I did what everyone would have done."

"Ice cream and TV?"

You frowned.

"What the fuck? No."

"Then what did you do?"

"Heavy drinking. As you do."

A hint of concern appeared on his face.

"I'm pretty sure that's not... anyways. Why didn't you call?"

A heavy sigh escaped you at the question. Carefully, you leaned back and let your hands slide into your pockets.

"Look, Mason, I love you like the brother I never had.", you started.

"You have two though?", he said with an uncomfortable smile.

Annoyed, you glared at him.

"Could you let me finish?"

"Sure. Sorry."

You rolled your eyes.

"Anyways. Even though you're like a brother to me I knew that... I wouldn't be the side you would pick."

He shook his head. Now he looked offended.

"I never picked his side.", he defended himself. "Yes, he's my best friend but we are just as close. If anything, I would have been there for both of you."

"But you weren't. And that's fine. I managed on my own. And...", you hesitated to say what you were feeling, but felt like it needed to be said. "I'm glad you stood with him."

Unsure, Alex eyed you.

"Are you sure?", he finally asked in a soft voice.

You nodded.

"He has no one. No one that cares for him. He needed you more than I did."

"No, you needed support as well. The thing that happened. Well... that's nothing that goes by without leaving a mark."

A snort escaped you.

"Oh, I had plenty of support."

With a sarcastic grin, he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? Who?"

With your lips pressed into a thin line, you sucked some air in and tried to suppress a grin. But the look on your face was enough.

"Friends...", you finally pressed out between clenched teeth.

"Names, (Y/N). I need clear infos."

You chewed on the inside of your cheek.

"Jack. And Daniel's. Jim... and... uh... and, you know.", you rubbed the back of your neck and laughed nervously. "Friends."

Getting the hint, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and shook his head.

"Unbelievable...", he huffed. "I hope those friends aren't with you anymore."

You shrugged.

"Ah, don't worry. My liver wasn't getting along with them. And my stomach wasn't either..."

"You're the worst."

A sound escaped you that was a mix between a laugh and an offended gasp.

"Excuse me?!", you tapped his chest with two fingers. "That's a bold thing to say. What about him, huh? He isn't all flowers and sunshine either."

Agreeing, Mason nodded and sighed.

"He was... himself.", he said carefully. "The worst version, but still himself."

"You unlucky bastard. Props to you for surviving."

He grinned.

"It was a fight, I'll admit."

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