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"Hey, Bell.", you tapped the spy's shoulder to get his attention. "Mind giving me a hand?"

He nodded.

It was hard to tell how he looked underneath that mask, but certain features pressed through, like his broad nose and a pair of brown eyes, with two thick, intimidating eyebrows.

Not that his appearance mattered for the job. You were just curious.

"How can I help?", he asked.

You noticed that whenever he talked there was still this small hint of a Russian accent. It was barely audible and you only noticed because you were looking for it. He himself probably didn't even notice, but you were trained to pick up the smallest details.

Many years as a CIA agent had taught you that even the smallest of details could be the key to victory.

You gifted him a smirk, just a small gesture to make yourself seem friendly but not persistent.

"We need to check the back. Paperwork, you know. CIA wants everything written down.", you showed him the paper you were holding. "Mind helping me check the gear? Four eyes and hands clean things up twice as fast."

Agreeing, he hummed and followed you into the small room next to the red light room, where Park had gathered everything to develop fotos and video material.

You passionately called it the Dutch room, because the lighting looked awfully similar to a certain distinct in Amsterdam. Also, Adler hated you for calling it that way, so it was just one more reason to keep saying it.

"We're looking for spy gear, you should know what counts in that category.", you checked the list. "A dozen small mics, some cables and portable recorders. Three new gadgets, but I have no idea what they look like."

He shrugged and started checking the boxes that filled the room to the top.

"I only know the common stuff.", he said, uninterested but seemingly willing to endure some smalltalk. "I get equipped and do my job. I don't really know what is what."

A snort escaped you.

"Sounds like a way to do it."

You threw a glance into a box with armour. Six bulletproof wests, some helmets and boots. You counted three full sets of heavy gear, two light ones and one that was more of a joke than actual armour.

The sizes matched with the ones written on the document, so you ticked the boxes, but stopped at the last one.

One set wasn't listed. Unusual for the CIA.

"We've got an extra?", you asked yourself and checked the sizing. "Extra large? Adler won't fit in that. And Lazar isn't listed for this gear."

Next to you, Bell moved.

"What about you?", he finally asked.

Torn form your thoughts, you blinked.

"Huh? Did you say something?"

He nodded, his eyes lowered in annoyance.

"What's your job?", he repeated his question.

"Uh, just making people talk."

Bell frowned.

"Your job is talking?"

You shrugged and closed the box again.

"More or less.", you leaned towards him to talk in a softer tone. "The CIA doesn't like the wording, but if someone doesn't want to talk, I make them. Voluntarily or not. If you know what I mean."

Understanding, he nodded.

"You make people talk...", he repeated in a way that made clear he understood.

You smiled and nodded.

"Talk.", you did a gesture with two fingers. "Right. Let's just settle on that."

"Fine by me. By the way, I'm finished counting. Everything's in stock."

"Perfect.", you passed him the paperwork so he could fix it up himself. "Be a dear and hand this to Adler, will ya?"

"Sure.", he shrugged and disappeared.

Your eyes followed him, taking in every detail.

He was walking a bit uneven, the left leg was slower than the right one. It must have been injured at one point.

The way his shoulders moved also indicated that he was well trained in close combat, so wrestling with him was to be avoided.

"I'm reading you like a book.", you mumbled and smiled to yourself while watching him disappear on the other side of the board.

"Who the hell are you talking to?", Lazar popped his head through the door.

"No one. Just me, myself and I."

He frowned.

"You've always been a bit weird.", he huffed.

You shrugged.

"Oh, before you leave.", you lifted the top of the box. "Is that yours by any chance?"

Curious, he came closer and threw a glance inside.

"What exactly?"

"The big gear. XL."

He eyed it for a moment.

"I could fit in there, but it's not my usual pick."

"That's what I thought. And you're the biggest dude around."

The expression on his face changed all of a sudden. His eyebrows pulled together and his lips curled in an unsure way.

"Not necessarily...", Lazar said with a slim grin and tried to rush out the door.

But you held him back at the back of his shirt.

"What's that supposed to mean, mister?", you asked with your eyebrows pulled together. "We've got another special guest? What, Adler didn't want to tell me I've got two jobs to do?"

Chuckling nervously, he rubbed the back of this neck and took a step back. His gaze quickly jumped to the side and then back to you.

"Let's say he does have someone up his sleeve.", he said carefully.

You glanced around the corner, trying to see what he was looking at. But all your eyes caught was a pair of shadows, disappearing.

"Who's that?", you asked. "I've seen that person outside the building when we arrived."

A soft curse escaped Lazar.

"Look, Adler wanted us to keep our mouths shut as long as possible.", he tried to explain, but cut himself off mid sentence and rolled his eyes. "Who am I kidding, you're going to check who it is anyways."

With your arms crossed in front of your chest you raised an eyebrow.

"You're gonna give me a heads up?"

"Oh hell no! I'm not suicidal. That being said, I have to go.", he rushed off before you could hold him back and vanished into the safety of Adler's presence.

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