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"Can I ask you for a favour?", you asked as Frank was about to enter one of the armoured vehicles.

Looking around to check if nobody was listening, he leaned against a tire and smirked.

"You're asking for an awful lot of favours these days.", he huffed.


"Sure. Whatever you want."

You had to smile.

"Don't say that. I know you'd never leave the CIA even if I'd ask you to retire."

Now he was the one laughing.

"Then don't ask me for that kind of favour.", he pulled you closer to grab your butt. "So?"

With both hands on his chest you had to look away to not feel heated against. His eyes still had this power over you.

"Be careful out there, will you?", you swallowed hard. "I don't... I can't do the shit from the past again. I wasn't mad at you for fighting, I was worried."

He let out a deep breath. His grip around your hip tightened. Slowly, he bend down to breath as kiss to your forehead.

"I promise you, you won't go home with an American flag today.", he pressed his forehead against yours and closed his eyes to take a deep breath. "It's not like I want to die either."

You closed your eyes.

"Then don't.", you mumbled.

He huffed.

"I'm trying. But you need to do me a favour too, alright?"


"Don't go into combat. You're not a soldier and that's fine. Provide support from afar, but don't push the lines. Not even if Adler insists."

Taking a deep breath in, you leaned back to lock eyes with him again. Your hands found his to give them a gentle squeeze.

"Adler locked me in as his spotter. I'll be with him at the front."

His gaze darkened.

"Are you shitting me?", he asked, voice thick with anger.

Slowly, you shook your head.

"I wish I would.", your hands rose to his face to grab it. "Frank... I'll do anything to survive, but fucking with Adler right now is like fighting a hungry lion."

"He knows you're not a solider!"

"He's mad at me for Bell. He just wants to give me a lesson."

"You could die."

"So could you.", you placed a tender kiss on his lips. "I'll manage. I promise you that I'll be unseen. And you keep your promise to stay alive."

With a deep breath, his posture loosened and he relaxed. But the expression in his eyes told a thousand more emotions.

"I'll do what I can.", he stole another kiss. "Don't leave me alone in this shit hole."

Chuckling, you gave him a gentle flick to his forehand with two fingers.

"That's what I wanted to hear."

Gifting him a soft smile, you freed yourself from his embrace. But before you could slip away, he pulled you back all of a sudden and wrapped his arms around you so tight that it pressed all the air out of your lungs.

"I know I never said it often, because it makes me cringe...", he mumbled, lips pressed against your neck. "But I love you."

A shivering breath escaped your lips.

"I love you too...", you wrapped your arms around him.

He smelled so familiar, so much like home, that your legs almost started shaking. This was the one and only man you wanted. And there was no bigger wish inside of you than to return to him safe and sound.

Bright light cut through the darkness as the engines of the vehicles started howling and tires rolled.

Up in the night sky helicopters flew.

It was hard to tell if they were friend or foe.

Next to you, Adler held his gun tightly wrapped. It was hard to see through the glasses of his shades, but the rest of his face suggested that he was on fire.

"It'll be a quick trip.", you said and pulled out the night vision to check what was going on not far away.

Adler's head snapped up.

"The odds are against us.", he looked around, counting how many cars and soldiers the States had send. "We're smaller in the numbers."

You wanted to say something, but the communicator interrupted.

"Coming up on your right!", Woods voice filled your ears. "Belikov really came through on this Soviet armour!"

Adler hummed.

"About time you caught up, Woods!", he said, pleased but somehow weirdly interested in your reaction.

"No way I'm missing this. Motherfuckers are gonna pay for icing Park."

A car passed you.

Mason was on it. As he spotted you, he nodded and smirked.

Confused, you frowned but shrugged it off.

"You'll get your chance.", Adler said. "Solovetsky is two clicks out."

More cars passed yours. Now, an entire convoy was driving in the front. Dozens of soldiers were sitting on their asses, ready to leave a life on the battlefield.

In the middle of all those faces, you were able to spot Lazar.

He seemed painless, holding his gun like he used to. But that was probably just because he was full of painkillers.

Next to him, Sims signalised you to turn your attention towards the city that was the main target.

In the distance, lights could already be seen. It was hard to tell if civilians were present, but either way, sacrifices had to be made.

A bitter huff escaped you.

"I'm so sorry, Bell...", you mumbled. "But I can't save all of your people..."

Someone gave you a bump to the shoulder to get your attention.

Adler pointed into the air.

Your eyes followed his gesture and spotted a bright light chasing through the night sky.

A missile.

"When that baby hits we'll have twelve minutes, max, before the radio towers come back online.", he explained. "Our job is to knock out the AA guns and give our warbirds a clean shot. Let's take Perseus off the air."

Curling your lips, you checked your sniper rifle.

"So that's why you wanted me...", you huffed. "He will be dead before realising."

Not commenting on it, he turned towards the city.

All of a sudden, a dull, suppressed sound filled the silence.

A wave of bright, crystal white light tore the darkness apart.

The party was about to get started.

Frank Woods x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now