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"I'm loyal to the Union...", Bell gasped and slid off the gurney to take a few shaky steps.

You caught him before the weakness could make him collapse.

"And I don't judge you for that.", gently, you pushed him up and placed him back. "But will you be able to live with the consequences of your loyalty?"

He pushed you away.

"Don't say that as if you care about my well-being."

"Truth be told, I'm not allowed to care about you. But I do. To some extend, I care about you, both emotionally and out of a deeper, more selfish reason."

"You just want me to kill Perseus."

You shrugged.

"Adler wants that. But I don't give a fuck about him. I care about the nukes."

Taking a deep breath in, be swallowed hard and slowly raised his eyes to look them with yours.

"You just want the nukes?", Bell asked. "Will you use them against my people?"

You glanced through the window to Adler.

"Officially, they are used for defence.", you said. "Look, if you don't want to give away where Perseus is, fine. Fuck it. But at least tell me about the plan with the nukes. It's not about the war but the people, Bell. You really want them all to drop dead?"

"I want the West to learn."

"By wiping it out?"

He pulled a face.

"I- I don't remember things well...", he gasped, one hand pressed to his sweating forehead.

You hummed.

"Adler did a number on you."

"Fuck him!"

"Agreed. But neither you nor me will ever be able to kill him. He's just that good of a motherfucker."

He let out a huff.

"Why would you talk about him like this?", he leaned back to rest on the gurney again. "Isn't he your ally?"

"He is. But just because we fight on the same team it doesn't mean I have to like him. People are different. And he's not my preferred kind of friends."

"What did he do to you?"

You curled your lips.

"Nothing, technically.", you shrugged. "But he's a bit like Hudson. Just a lot better at what he's doing. He likes to make people agree with him and later on reveals the issues. He asked me to come on this mission. He never told me the old man would be here. And that wasn't even one of the biggest betrayal."

Groaning, Bell rolled to the side. He was acting and moving rather poorly. It seemed like he was at the end of his means, both physically and mentally.

It was only a matter of time until he'd collapse.

You wetted the towel again and pressed it to his forehead.

A relieved sigh escaped him. As he raised his hand to keep it in place, he flinched.

At first glance he seemed okay. At least considering the position he was in.

But as you looked closer, you could see that his arm was fractured at least three times. His legs weren't better either, probably a lot of strains and dislocated toes.

Gently, you pushed his mask up to reveal his lips.

Blood was pouring out from the corners of his mouth. He was in rough shape, so rough that it probably wouldn't get better anymore.

You were running against time.

"Bell...", you grabbed a bottle of pills and popped some into your hand. "You're dying."

He let out a deep breath.

"I can feel...", he gasped.

"Good. So let's talk business, shall we?"

He huffed.

"What can you offer me? I'm dying anyways."

"Right. I can't offer you life. I'm not a doctor and you're beyond saving."

"A fact I cannot deny..."

"But I can offer you a soft death. If you don't talk, Adler will do anything to get you to. Even if it means being more of a monster than he already is. You're in pain. I can give you morphine. A bit more than the recommended dosage and you'll be gone, no pain, no suffering. You'll just fall asleep."

His eyes narrowed. He started to get tired but the pain kept his brain awake.

"What if I lie to you?", he asked, smiling amused as if he found this funny.

You offered him one of the pills.

"Take some painkillers.", you grabbed some water. "It'll help you think."

Greedily, he snatched it from your hands and downed it without hesitation. He swallowed while saliva dripped from the bloody corners of his mouth. But all of a sudden, as he took the first sip of water, he almost threw up.

"Slowly.", you patted his back to keep the nausea away. "It'll take a moment to work."

Letting out a shivering breath, he leaned back.

"That wasn't morphine...", he whispered.

You shook your head.

"I still need you.", you said.

"I won't tell you where Perseus is."

"I don't want to know that."

"And if I tell you where the nukes are? If I- if I tell you the plan, will you kill me before Adler gets his hands on me?"

"I'll try."


"Morphine works quickly. One overdose and you'll be gone in minutes. Nobody will be able to do anything."

He laughed, but choked on his own blood.

"I- I've never been anything but loyal..."

"And all you got from it was a bullet."

"That... that son of a bitch betrayed me... Perseus would have ever..."

"But Perseus would kill thousands of people. Can you live with that?"

"I'll die anyways."

"Then you've got nothing to lose. Do one good thing before you go. All I need is a place and a time."

"The morphine...", he raised his hand to reveal the veins in his arm. "Show me the syringe... and I'll tell you..."

Agreeing, you hummed and turned around to prepare a dosage. But as the tip of the needle floated over his skin, you hesitated.

"Bell...", you leaned over him to lock eyes. "A place. And don't fuck with me. This is important."

He laughed.

"Solovetsky.", he twisted in pain.

Your eyes narrowed.

"Are you sure?"

Slowly, he forced his head up to get closer to you. His eyes pierced your soul.

A shiver crawled down your spine.

"Look at me, manipulator...", he chuckled with his last bit of strength. "I'm a dying man and you're a professional. Look me in the eyes and tell me you can't see that I'm telling the truth."

Pressing your lips into a thin line, you nodded.

"I can tell...", you said. "Eyes never lie."

The syringe pierced his flesh.

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