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"We've finished analysing the names Bell acquired at Da Nang.", Park said and handed out some sheets of paper.

With a disinterested expression, you glanced at the names. Many of them sounded awfully Russian, like Vitali, Victor and Vladimir. The worst stereotypes there were.

Not that it was wrong.

In all your years as a manipulator, you've had met many people with such names.

But it still made you grin with amusement.

Behind you, someone moved.

A knee suddenly bumped into your back.

Immediately, you rolled your eyes. Your grip on the paper tightened.

"Don't!", you hissed and threw a warning glance over your shoulder.

Woods was standing right behind you. Of course he did. He had always stood behind you, watching your back.

Back when the two of you had been dating, it was a cute little gesture to make you feel safe and reassured by him. He had also used the opportunity to be as close to you as possible.

But now it just felt like he was trying to fuck with your personal space. He was trying to annoy you.

And of course, you weren't able to jump at him. Adler would have torn your ass apart and would blame it all on you being unprofessional.

With his eyebrows knitted together and his arms crossed in front of his chest, Woods gifted you an attacked look and shrugged.

"I didn't do anything.", he mumbled, but couldn't hide the sadistic smirk in the corner of his mouth.

You turned your gaze back to Park.

"Sure you didn't, old man..."

At the front, she kept on explaining without noticing the fuss that was going on in the back. Either she was good in shutting out bullshit or Adler had given the order to stay out the crossfire.

Either way, everyone in this team was better off than you and Woods.

Even Bell, and that poor fuck was a brainwashed hostage.

You would have liked to switch places even though it was obvious the CIA would get rid of him after fulfilling his purpose.

"One name in particular stands out.", Park pointed at the blackboard. "Anton Volkov."

You huffed.

"I don't know if I should picture a Russian or a German.", you joked.

An amused smirk appeared on her face.

"He's a Russian arms dealer working out of East Berlin.", she confirmed. "Admittedly, his connection to Perseus comes as a surprise."

You frowned.

"How so?"

Woods groaned behind you. You could feel how he was rolling his eyes at you.

With a low growl stuck inside your throat, you chewed the inside of your cheek and dug your nails into your knee to fight the growing anger with pain.

"He's quite a perfect citizen.", Park tapped the board. "Family, no documented crimes. Nothing."

Adler got up from his seat.

"We've got kill or capture orders on Volkov.", he said and took a closer look at the picture that was probably the target man. "So if we can't go to Perseus, we'll get to his men. Close off his recourses... Force him out of hiding."

Pleased, you hummed.

"Great, so I can work my magic and make em' talk.", you gave Bell a bump to the shoulder to make him chuckle.

And surprisingly, he did react in an amused way. He seemed to get warm, slowly, but surely.

But Adler had to ruin it.

"No, you are planned for another mission.", he exchanged a glance with Mason, who slowly shook his head in a warning manner. "Mason will tell you the details."

With a raised eyebrow, you looked up at Mason. For a short moment your eyes jumped over to Woods.

Again, his bright blue pierced your (E/C) gaze.

His bottom lip twitched and a low sound escaped him.

You turned away again.

"Adler.", you got up. "What in the actual fuck?"

Adler's lips pressed into a thin line.

"We need your abilities somewhere else.", he said and stepped closer. "You're a professional, no? You'll handle it well."

With an annoyed smile and a curse stuck in your throat, you took a deep breath in and slowly nodded.

"You're the worst superiors I've ever had.", you whispered into his direction and sat back down.

A huff escaped him as he smirked.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

You shrugged.

"I'll make you an award that you can tape to your wall.", you joked. "You like glitter, Addsy?"

Sims and Lazar chuckled.

Even Bell seemed to be amused by that comment.

Adler sighed and shook his head, but didn't try to talk back. He knew how much of a handful you could be and he didn't have the time nor the energy to try and win this fight.

The professional relationship between the two of you wasn't the best anyways.

You respected Adler, you really did. He was a good soldier and a strong leader. But that fact alone was enough to make you dislike him slightly. He wasn't just part of your team, but your boss.

And bosses were something that annoyed the shit out of you.

And Woods didn't seem to like him as much as the others either. Not that it was surprising. The first thing that had caught your eye when reading his files for the first time was his disliking towards authorities. He hated getting ordered around and most of the time did his own thing anyways.

But that didn't stop him from being a top notch soldier. It just made him be a bit of a risk.

That alone was enough of a reason for you to avoid him. Your teasing attitude and tendencies to pick fights on a whim didn't go well with Woods' vicious and often rough moods.

And yet, you two gravitated towards each other time and time again.

"Like fucking idiots...", you mumbled.

"Yeah, fucking idiots...", Woods huffed behind you.

You let out a snort.

"Glad we still share the same opinion at least..."

"About the only thing I'll ever agree on with you."

"Oh, don't say that, old man.", you gifted him a disgustingly sweet smile. "Instead of you, I've always been right."

Woods pulled a face.

"You've always been a bitch.", he rolled his eyes.

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