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"Their power is coming back on!", Adler shouted after you as you climbed up the stairs into the backyard of the church.

"Those fuckers knew we would come!", you hissed and pressed your back against a brick wall. "Looks like a fucking military base!"

Adler came to a stand at the other side of the room, right across from you.

A Russian shouted, but before he could start shooting, Adler placed a bullet in his head.

More Russians came into sight. They jumped behind sacks of sand and barriers to seek cover while shooting.

Your eyes snapped up.

"Not good...", you gasped.

Adler followed your gaze.

But before he could say something, he was interrupted.

"Adler, you seeing this?", Woods asked, audibly struggling in battle.

"Woods! We're running out of time!", Adler shouted while his eyes were still glued to the heavy machinery that the Soviets were about to assemble. "I gotta tell Hudson to launch!"

A cold shiver crawled down your spine.

"That's a big gamble, if that gun ain't cleared.", Woods noted. "And we're too far in."

A nervous sound escaped you.

"Hate to say it, but the old man is right.", you took down a sniper on the roof. "I'm planning to go to Hawaii not see my maker!"

But Adler shook his head.

"Hudson, start your bombing run!", Adler ordered.

"Copy that! Get your team outta there, Adler!", Hudson said.

Relieved, you let out a deep breath and wanted to retreat. But you noticed that Adler wasn't moving.

A bad feeling spread inside your chest.

"Those bombers won't have a chance if we don't clear that last AA gun!"

A curse escaped you.

"Fucking hell, Adler!", you shouted and rushed to his side. "That's why you took me, you bastard!"

Woods jumped into the conversation again.

"You better hurry the fuck up!", he said. "But send (Y/N)! We need backup here."

A slim smirk appeared on Adler's scarred face.

The sight made you shiver.

"I'm sorry, Woods, but your little birdie will have to shoot the last shot.", he said and made you moved forward with him. "Risk of the job."

"Fuck you, Adler!"

You pulled a face.

"Frank.", you said his name in the softest and most loving way you've ever done. "If it needs a sniper, it needs a sniper. I'm here already, no turning back."

"Don't fucking start with that shit!"

You smiled softly.

"I'm sorry. I'll watch my head.", you jumped behind a wall while Adler kept pushing forward to clear the path for you. "You should call the restaurant, we're having tacos later."

A low growl came from Woods.

"If you don't come back I'll kill you.", he threatened.

You laughed.

"Number 28 for me. Extra spicy, please. And some good beer. Dark."

He let out a deep breath.

"Salsa or guacamole?"

You shrugged.

"Why not both to celebrate the occasion?"

"Sure. Food's on me."

"Then I'll pay drinks."


Adler entered the channel.

"I don't want to ruin the mood, but we need to push.", he said. "(Y/N), get your ass here! The bombers will be here any minute!"

"On it!", you jumped to your feet and chased after him, gun held tight as if it could keep you in this life long enough to have dinner with Frank again.

Huffing, you managed to reach Adler's side.

"Goddammit, who decided to build so many fucking stairs?!", you asked as you climbed up while Adler's bullets gave you cover. "I've never done so much cardio!"

"Coordinates confirmed. One minuted to bomb strike.", a voice suddenly informed you.

"Fucking perfect!", you cursed and ran faster.

"The radio towers are still booting up!", Adler pulled you out of the crossfire. "We gotta chance!"

You pressed your back against his and aimed for a solider sitting higher than him.

The bullet missed his forehead and went straight through the eye instead.

Cursing, you reloaded.

"Don't wast your bullets.", Adler said.

You huffed.

"I need some practice before the golden shot.", you said. "My aim is off."

"Get it on then!"

"I'm fucking on it, Ads!", you raised the rifle again and aimed for a barrel full of oil instead this time.

The impact of the shot made the soft metal bend and break. A wave of thick, black liquid soaked the stairs. As the flames of the houses around touched it, a trace of fire lit up into the sky and cut off the way.

"Better than nothing.", Adler shrugged and pulled you with him. "Almost there! See the solider sitting on it? We need to take him down!"

Stunned, you frowned.

"Anybody could take his place!", you said but took position anyways.

"Not quite. See the pile at the platform?"

You checked through the telescope.

"Confirmed. Explosives?"

"Exactly. All we need is for you to set this on fire and the problem resolves itself."

A shaky breath escaped you.

"How long till bombing?", you asked and placed a finger on the trigger.

"Forty seconds."

There was a bunch of oil and explosives laying around, but just shooting them wouldn't do it. To get them to go off, heat was needed.

"God, this is such a stupid idea.", you mumbled and pulled out a bullet to dip it in oil before inserting it back into the rifle.

"What the fuck are you doing?", Adler asked, visibly confused. "You'll get us killed."

You sighed.

"I need heat. Fire would be better. When the bullet is shot, it's burning hot, but it won't catch fire. The oil will do."

"The rifle will be useless after that."

"I know, Adler, I fucking did it before."

"How did it go?"

"Burned the shit out of myself. Now move!", harshly, you pushed him to the side to get a clean shot and narrowed your eyes.

This was the only way and only chance you'd get. Either the bullet would hit and set everything aflame or you and Adler would die together in this city.

Only thinking about it made you wish you'd survive.

"Here it goes...", you pulled the trigger. "All or nothing."

Frank Woods x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now