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With the gaze of an eagle, you entered the elevator, gun raised and checking every corner.

Bell followed and after him Woods. But were tense, but their faces showed how calm they were. There was nothing that could have told they were afraid to die any moment.

Coast clear, you said and lowered your gun to relax a little.

As soon as the doors of the elevator fell shut, the communicator turned on.

"Woods, Bell and (Y/N)!", Park's slightly nervous voice filled your head. "I'm picking up a ton of radio chatter. What's your status?"

Woods eyes jumped to you.

Shrugging, you turned away.

This was his problem and he was supposed to explain.

A soft breath escaped his bearded lips.

"We've got caught up in some kind of live fire drill.", he said, still glancing at you from over his shoulder. "Place is crawling with Reds. We're still looking for intel."

Park sighed.

"Bloody hell. I'm putting Alder and Mason on standby for extract."

The signal disappeared again.

"She sounds mad...", Woods noted, jokingly. "Does she sound mad?"

A hissing sound escaped you.

"You're making it quite easy for people to be mad at you.", as soon as the elevator came to a stand, you were the first to jump out.

Woods wanted to hold you back, but you dodged his hand and ran right into the open.

Russian swearing sounded.

Alarmed, you twirled around and fired some shots, both for warning and protection.

One bullet hit a man in the neck. With a hoarse scream, he was thrown back and hit the wall.

Blood splattered.

But you weren't fast enough for the second one.

A shot rang out, followed by a burning pain that chased through your arm.

The bullet tore fabric and flesh open. Blood poured out and mixed with the dark stains of blackpowder.

Struck by the force, you stumbled back and dropped your weapon.

But before another bullet could turn off the lights, Woods jumped out the elevator and fired a round of shots.

"Are you fucking insane?!", with a grim expression, he turned to you.

But something about him was off. He didn't sound as angry as he should. He seemed concerned.

Holding the bleeding arm, you gifted him a grumpy expression.

"It's just a graze.", you said and picked up your weapon. "I'm fine."

"You're hurt."

"Risk of the job."

"We should bandage it."

"I'll do that later.", you glanced over your shoulder at Bell. "The tower is ahead. Go and see what you can find. I'll check the servers. The old man stands guard."

Angered, Woods pulled his eyebrows together and bared his teeth.

"I won't do shit!", his hand reached out and grabbed you.

Pain chased through your arm, right up to the joint of your shoulder. A soft scream escaped your lips.

"Leave it!", you freed yourself in such a harsh manner that the wound tore open wider.

A thick, long strand of blood ran down your skin, from the elbow to the wrist and down the fingers where it dripped to the floor in red orbs.

For a moment, your eyes watched as the circles hit the ground and turned into small splatters.

"Don't make it worse than it is.", you looked up at Woods.

The expression on his face was a mix between held back anger and worry. He didn't know how to react. He didn't know what to say. Of course, he had always been bad with those kinds of things.

"Yeah... I've always made it worse, didn't I?", he asked in a soft voice.

All of a sudden, something inside of you pulled together.

A wave of regret washed over you.

Your lips parted, the urge to say something rose inside. But in the end, you closed your mouth again and pushed past him to follow Bell inside the tower.

"This is useless...", you mumbled to yourself and let out a deep sigh.

The command Center was a simple room, with metal floors and walls, secure enough to keep unwanted eyes and ears out.

It was kind of ironic that a team of only three had managed to reach it.

Bell was already sitting on the computer, working on encrypting the messages and infos. He though it was just one of his many skills, something he had learned in Nam.

But the truth was, he was just reading his mother tongue and the English he spoke had been implanted inside his head by Adler.

With the gaze of a hawk, you watched, as he skipped through the infos on the pc.

"Jackpot! Control Center.", Woods entered the room and started sweeping it for possible dangers and traps. "Let's see what the Reds are really up to... Bell, got anything yet?"

He turned away to pretend he was looking at the servers. Truth was, he just wanted to be as far away from you as possible. The injury was enough for him to loose his mind and start a fight again. But he forced himself to stay calm.

Impatient, his fingers rubbed against each other.

A bit of your blood was still stuck to the tip of his hands. It felt strangely heavy and cold.

Slowly, the adrenaline inside your body started to wear off. Tension faded and you let out a deep breath of relief. With one hand on your handgun, you leaned against a railing and watched Bell.

The symbols on the screen made little sense to you, after all, you weren't skilled in Russian at all. You did however speak a fair share of languages. But most of them were European ones to keep the NATO members humoured.

Bell picked a file.

"Operation Greenlight...", the computer said. "Restricted access..."

Confused, you frowned.

Woods turned around.

"What the fuck is operation Greenlight?", he looked at you.

Shaking your head, you shrugged. It was the first time for you too to hear about this.

"Bell, can you hack into that?", he walked up to you, to have a good view of the monitor as well. "Of corse there's a password. Look around. These Reds ain't that smart."

For a moment, Bell looked at everything. Something inside his eyes lit up.

As he turned back to the screen it took about three seconds and be was in.

"Nice.", Woods hummed and leaned over the railing, next to you.

"There's an audio file...", you noted. "Play it, will ya?"

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