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Out of breath, you bursted through a door and into the open air. The sound of Russians screaming and gunshots still filled your head like an echo.

Woods hand pressed onto your back to give a gentle reminder that standing still wasn't an option.

Your head snapped around, back to the door.

In short distance, Bell emerged from the darkness.

Your legs kept running.

"Woods, what's your status?", Park asked as the signal returned.

With his hand still pressed to your back, Woods ran next to you.

"It just went from bad to worse!", he gasped and hushed you up some stairs. "Just make sure Adler and Mason are ready to extract at the exfil! Now run, mushroom! Since when are you so slow?"

With a burning hot head and a dull feeling inside your chest, you picked up more speed.

"I've never been good with cardio!", you huffed and kicked a door open.

"You've always managed to hunt me down, though."

"Because you're an ass and I needed to teach you a lesson!"

"So you ran because it was worth it?"


"I'd consider running for my life worth it too!", Bell shouted, a few feet besides you, as he jumped over a box and into hiding. "Why do you two talk so much but never about your real issues at hand?!"

With a bitter laugh, Woods grabbed him by the collar and dragged both of you towards the exit.

"I have no idea what you're talking about!", he joked.

With a bitter smile, you jumped over a fence and helped Bell get over as well.

"One thing we can agree on, old man.", you gasped and ran on.

Bullets chased after you. One came so close, it almost hit your ankle.

You stumbled, threatened to fall, but caught your balance again and ran on.

"Shit!", you cursed the pain away. "Not now! Not now! Not now!"

Your eyes fell onto an armoured vehicle.

Bell must have thought the same thing. In one swift move, he was up at the machine gun and started  handing back a rain of bullets.

A cheerful laughter made Woods chest tremble.

"Good idea!", he grabbed you by the waist and shoved you inside, onto the passenger seat. "I'll drive."

"Fuck!", immediately, your hand reached out for the safety belt.

It was nonexistent.

A curse escaped you.

Woods slid into the drivers seat and got the engine running.

With a broad grin, he turned to you.

"I know you love my diving.", he purred and hit the gas.

With one mighty push, that pressed you into the seat, the vehicle started moving.

On top, Bell didn't stop shooting. He aimed at one of the other vehicles, shooting it into little pieces so that nobody could use it.

In front, soldiers lined up and tried to keep you from escaping.

With a serious gaze, Woods drove towards a locked gate.

You knew exactly what his plan was. And you hated it.

With your fingers tightly wrapped around the safety handle, you squeezed your eyes shut. This would get as ugly as it could.

Under the heavy impact of the speed and weight of the vehicle, the gate bursted open, burying a bunch of people underneath.

As you opened your eyes again, you could spot another car from the corner of your eyes.

"Bell, watch out!", you shouted upwards. "To the left!"

Bell turned the machine gun.

But it was already too late.

The Russians hit your vehicle with full force.

A shockwave pressed you into your seat. But your arm jumped up and pressed onto Woods' forehead. The soft fabric of his bandana pressed into your palm.

For a moment, he was stunned by the force.

But your hand prevented his head from snapping forward too fast and breaking his neck with the impact on the steering wheel.

"God dammit!", he cursed, his teeth clenched. "It's called urban renewal, you assholes!"

A loud scream of frustration escaped you.

"Why can't you take one fucking thing serious?!", you asked him but couldn't hide the smile that his road rage forced onto your lips.

With bated breath and his eyes glued to the area before him, he shrugged.

"Because it would kill me.", he laughed and drove into a tunnel area. "Bell, keep shooting! I'm looking for an exit."

"I doubt an exit will be underneath the surface if the earth, old man.", you looked back. "But whatever you're planning, do it quick!"

Woods groaned.

"Would it have killed them to put in some goddamn street signs?", he asked and glanced at you.

You refused to laugh, but it still made you grin like an idiot.

Fuck, you hated how he made you feel in that moment. It still was the same way, you were mad at him and he made you forget everything in the breath of a second by making you smile.

Worst about it was, it still felt as good as ever.

A strange expression appeared on his face.

Was that relief?


His eyes returned to the road.

"I can see the exit!", he informed Bell. "Focus on those APC's. I'm gonna floor it!"

He hit the gas.

Bell filled the way before you with explosions and sparks.

Grabbing tighter onto the small handle that you had, you turned your eyes away and started praying that, whatever Woods was doing, it would work. You didn't pray that he knew what he was doing, because he never did.

You just hoped it would work.

With full force, he broke through the lines of the Russians.

Screams filled the air, mixed with the smell of gunpowder and blood.

"Oh, hell yeah!", he laughed.

The tries jumped into the air and for a moment it felt like floating. Then, the weight got pulled down and made the inside of the vehicle shiver.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!", you screamed and tore your eyes wide open to take a deep breath.

"Woods?", Park suddenly asked. "What's your status?"

Gasping, you let out a relieved sound.

"Traumatised.", you laughed. "But alive."

Woods let out a low huff.

"Gather everyone, Park. The whole team.", he demanded. "Hudson has got a shit tone of explaining to do."

A spark lit up inside his eyes. You knew that spark. He was about to tear somebody's ass open.

Frank Woods x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now