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With a confused expression, you walked back into the light.

You took a quick glance at Adler, trying to find out if Lazar had notified him about anything. But judging by the way he had one leg rested on his other knee and smoked a cigarette, you could tell he wasn't worried about anything at the moment.

Park's eyes met yours.

"We've started analysing the infos we gathered so far.", she said and gestured for you to come closer.

You raised your chin and looked around.

"Where's the rest?", you asked and glanced at Lazar.

He was leaning against a metal locker, a bit away from the others. His eyebrows drew together and an expression appeared that made him look like he had fucked up real bad.

Adler gestured for him to keep his cool.

"Mason is gathering stuff outside.", he turned to you, the light of the neon lamps threw bright reflections over the tainted glasses of his shades. "He doesn't have to know the details for this mission. He'll be out for another soon."

With your arms crossed in front of your chest, you frowned.

"He's planned for some dirty work?", you asked. "Where?"


One of your eyebrows rose.

"All by himself?"

The sound of a door opening sounded.

Lazar threw a glance over his shoulder, but turned back quickly and locked eyes with Sims. His eyes widened as if he was trying to warn him from a catastrophe that was about to happen.

Sims turned his head, carefully slipped from his chair without Adler noticing and slowly walked over to Park, to grab her by the arm and pull her out of the crossfire.

Confused, she frowned, but allowed him to drag her to a corner, to watch from afar.

Lazar pulled his head in.

You noticed their strange behaviour, but let it slide for that moment. All you wanted was for Adler to give straight answers, because he sounded suspicious as hell.

Adler let out an annoyed sound, close to a sigh but not really.

"You're supposed to ask others the questions.", he complained and took a deep drag from his cigarette. "Keep it out the building. We're all friends here."

A huff escaped you.

"Bold statement, Ads.", you grinned.

Steps sounded.

"Very fucking bold indeed.", a cocky, annoyed voice suddenly said.

As this voice, familiar yet disliked, reached your ears, an icy cold shiver crawled down your spine. Suppressing a hiss, you squeezed your eyes shut and bit your lips.

A low sigh escaped Adler. As you opened your eyes again, he slightly shook his head as a warning.

But you turned to the side anyways.

Your eyes met blue ones.

They were so bright, that they almost seemed grey, like a foggy sky after a long day of rain. Only a faded hint of blue could be found in those old yet sharp eyes.

Truth be told, those eyes were your favourite ones in the entire world.

If only there wouldn't have been this cocky, stubborn shimmer inside them, that might as well could have been from a child.

Forcing a challenging smirk onto you face, you raised your chin and eyebrows.

"Old man.", you said in a cheerful voice, just to fuck with the tall man in front of you. "Long time no see."

He pulled a face. The expression, paired with the thick, black beard that covered the lower half of his face, made him look like he was about to burst into a fit of anger and strangle you.

But Frank wasn't like that.

Despite the constant look of anger, his thick eyebrows and the big mouth of his, he was actually quite nice company. The short, black hair on his head was messy as always, a bit longer in the front to hide his forehead.

Back in the day, you had teased him about his big ass forehead only to be able to see the cute wrinkles when he frowned in response.

But that was long ago.

"Not long enough.", Woods growled and threw a glance over his shoulder to lock eyes with Mason. "You fucking knew."

Apologetically, Mason flashed him a grin and shrugged.

"I'm sorry...", he mumbled.

Judging by the look in his eyes, he was amused and a little curious what would happen next. But the way he positioned himself also gave away that he was ready to jump in whenever it would be needed.

Woods turned back to you. His mouth moved, but only the movement of his bottom lip was visible. The rest of his mouth was covered by the beard.

"What the fuck are you doing here?", he asked and looked you up and down. "You still look like a cheap dollar store version of a professional."

A snort escaped you.

"And I assume you still work like the dollar store version of a professional.", you snarled. "To answer your previous question: I'm here to work. Don't get into my way, m'kay?"

Rolling his eyes, he huffed. The corners of his mouth rose. It was obvious that he wanted to laugh but refused to.

"I'm not the problem here.", he leaned forward, eyes narrowed.

For a moment, you withstood his gaze.

"No comment on that, old man.", you flashed him a sweet smile and turned back to Adler. "You, me, we've got a date in the back."

Adler looked at Park.

Her eyes quickly jumped to Bell, then to Lazar and Sims before she nodded.

"We'll continue.", she said and smiled nervously. "Woods, Mason. Stay and listen to the details."

Woods shrugged.

"Whatever.", he growled and dropped onto a box, his back turned to you.

With a gesture of your head, you silently told Adler to get his ass up and follow you.

As you passed Mason, he grabbed you by the sleeve.

"Hey, I'm sorry.", he said in a low voice and glanced over to his friend. "I told Adler this wasn't a good idea."

You silenced him with a raised hand.

"I'm pissed, Alex.", you hissed. "And disappointed. You could have given me a warning."

"I wasn't allowed to."

"Don't worry. I'll make Adler regret it."

Frank Woods x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now