A New Beginning

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Crisp, fresh air greeted Mumbo as the bus pulled to a stop and he exited, old-fashioned suitcase clasped in one hand. Spring was on the cusp of the atmosphere, edging slowly into the flora with the darkening green of the grass and bulbs of flowers ready to bloom. The vehicle behind him pulled away and left him standing, looking a little foolish, alone by the bus stop. He turned his head, watching it accelerate down the tunnel, blinking neon lights hurting his eyes. Mumbo adjusted his luggage into his other hand, not quite sure what he was waiting for.

The new arrival to the valley stood awkwardly, hair swaying gently in the breeze. His limbs looked almost too long for his torso, disproportionate to the rest of his body and he was dressed in a suit of all things, complete with a ruby-red tie. A pair of welding goggles hung loose around his neck, years of soot and dust chalking up the red-tinted glass with grime. Perhaps the most striking thing about his appearance was the magnificent coal-black moustache that curled above his upper lip, and the slicked back hair of the same colour nestled on his head. Mumbo took an uncertain step forwards, wind whispering through the grass below his feet. He'd been told the Mayor of the town and someone else were going to meet him, but they appeared to be late. He wasn't entirely sure what to do, and so elected to place his case down carefully and take a seat upon it, crossing his legs uncomfortably and resting his elbow on his knee, letting his head drop into the same hand.

Soon enough, a pair of voices faded in and a pair of men came into his vision, chatting amicably as they walked along the path by the crumbling stone wall that contained the tunnel and bus stop. Mumbo clamoured to stand up, tripping over his own feet as he did so and stubbing his toe on his suitcase. Normally, the newcomer might have cursed as a reaction to this, but he supposed it wouldn't be the best first impression, and therefore refrained, simply hopping on one foot for a moment. He managed to right himself and gather his luggage, a bashful expression of embarrassment on his face. Mumbo turned to get a look at those who had come to meet him.

The first he could see was rather tall. Hazelnut curls spilled from the top of his head, giving the impression of somewhat of a mad scientist, and to Mumbo's surprise, his eyes were pure indigo. The bottom portion of his face was covered by a mechanical looking mask, filters on either side and a covering that went all the way up to the bridge of his nose. He frowned at this, wondering the purpose of such a device. The look was completed with a verdant-green jacket with various pockets and a black turtleneck underneath tucked into gray trousers. Mumbo supposed from the semi-formality of his outfit that this was the Mayor. That thought left him feeling foolish if this was as dressed up as someone so important here got and he had arrived in a whole suit.

The other man stood next to the Mayor in a laughable contrast. He was a lot shorter than the person to his right, barely reaching his shoulder. Sandy-blond hair tickled his forehead, a few strands blowing in the way of cerulean eyes, crinkled upwards with a mischievous grin. His crimson sweater was somewhat oversized and hung off his slim frame almost comically, hands entirely hidden by the too-long sleeves. Mumbo's eyes tracked slowly down to see black jeans and red converse, certainly more casual than the person beside him.

"You must be Mr Jumbo," The man in the mask greeted, taking a step forward with an outstretched hand. "My name is Xisuma, Mayor of Hermit Valley." The man addressed swapped his case into his other hand so that he could reach forward and shake the grip of the Mayor.

"Mumbo is fine." He mumbled somewhat, cheeks aflame with embarrassment. He was truly making a fool of himself, overdressed and clumsy. What must they think of him?

"Of course," Xisuma smiled. Or at least Mumbo thought he smiled from the way his eyes twinkled being unable to see the male's lips move. "And this next to me, is Grian, our resident builder."

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