Twenty-Six- end of Act I

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A/n: Shit's about to go down and it's going to be really freaking dramatic *eyes emoji* 


Three days have passed since Kamberly's letter and I'm pacing nervously in the study, thinking of Kamberly taking down Skaran all by herself. 

I can't even fathom what would happen if Skaran won. 

Mom enters and cocks her head to the side. "Alexander, what is it?" 

I shake my head as I examine Kamberly's writing. "Nothing.. it's just a letter from Kamberly. She.. there's a man in Kingsgame who.." 

She gapes at me. "Is he the one who killed Carter?" 

I nod grimly. "She wants to put an end to him and I'm terrified that he'll harm Kamberly." 

She shakes her head furiously. "Alexander, you need to go to her. Now." 

She grabs my coat from the rack and hands it to me, kissing my cheek. 

"Be careful, my son." 

I place a hand on her shoulder, worried. "I can't just leave you." 

She nods firmly. "You can. Go after her." 

As I run out of the house I curse. 

The transport was broken down and I wouldn't be able to get a car at this time of night. 

I run to the stables and one of the stable boys startle violently as I storm in. 

"My lord?" He asks hesitantly as I unlock the stall to the fastest stallion in our stable and bridle him. 

"I'll be taking Storm with me." 

"Yes, my lord." 

Not 5 minutes later I'm galloping towards Archeon. 

I need to get to Kamberly. 


I dig at my skin in my palm as Mom digs through his desk, scanning for papers and I look at the door hesitantly. 

"Found it." She whispers as she clicks a secret compartment and pulls out sheaves of papers before gasping.

"Kamberly..." she whispers hoarsely, and pulls out a gun. 

And a bomb. 

"Mare... step away from the bomb." Dad says carefully, approaching her and her eyes are wide with terror. 

"It's not activated, Maven. And if you touch it you could set it off." 

"Mom give it to me. I can dismantle it." 

As I tinker with it I take out the black cable and hand it back. "It'll be impossible to go off now." 

Mom nods. "Now let's go find Skaran." 

The electricity whines as we walk down the halls, and when we turn the corner, Skaran is walking towards us. 

He bows, smiling. "Your Majesties... Kamberly. I was looking for you." 

"I'm sure you were." I snap, holding up the papers and his eyes harden immediately. 

"Kamberly, you don't know what you're holding. Just give the papers to me." He says calmly and I narrow my eyes. 

"You forget who you are, Skaran Laris. You forget my teaching, my lineage." 

Fire crackles to life behind me and out of my right peripheral I can see a dim purple light. 

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